37 ☠️

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"Look, we're almost there!" Jeongin shouted, already pointing past the dune towards the familiar stone table. I tapped Felix on the shoulder a couple of times. "You can put me down, no worries. I'll walk this past bit myself," I instructed him. Right after I put the gun away safely, Felix immediately insisted on carrying me further again. Even though I wanted to protest originally, my body wasn't going to allow it anyways. Not that it was crazy, as it had survived an entire tornado, plus the fall as we had gotten out of it. Not that Felix listened now though. He instead just lifted me up slightly higher again.

"If it's too much I can carry her too," Changbin offered, but Felix refused instantly. "No need," he answered curtly, his tone a little sharper than usual. It was quite obvious something was going on inside his head that he wouldn't let out, but he probably wasn't going to tell me. Surely we had gotten closer, but I couldn't help but think back about the first small talk we had in the kitchen back in the previous area. That immediate short answer of his was a signal, meaning that he wasn't going to give away any more than he already had, and asking for it was most definitely not going to work either.

"I swear I'm fine," I tried to insist once more still. If he was going to try to take care of me constantly, he would completely wear himself out too, and then there'd just be another person to take care of. It already felt terrible enough to be a burden to the others, let alone putting more pressure on their shoulders because of me. I was never one to want to rely on others, and now I was left no choice, both due to the circumstances, as well as the people around me. Judging from what I had seen so far, convincing them to leave me be was a lost cause. And still, I just had to try.

"We're almost there anyways," I added, as he hadn't said no just yet this time. "I need to start building things up slowly, if you just keep carrying me it might take even longer for me to recover fully." I wasn't even sure if it was correct what I was saying, but anything to convince him. Felix sighed heavily, finally putting me down again. "Just don't overdo it," he muttered, taking a little sprint to the front. "What's up with him?" I muttered under my breath, heard by Changbin, unbeknownst to me at first, until I heard him chuckle softly.

"Don't mind him, I'm pretty sure he's just a little jealous," Changbin said, patting my shoulder with a smile. Jealous? Of what? Almost dying? Being stuck on someone's back the entire time? My mind jumped for a good second, wondering if he knew anything. Had Changbin seen something we didn't want him to? Had he joined Seungmin back then? It still wouldn't fully explain it, but it might give a clue as for what he meant. Changbin didn't seem to give any of that all away though, much to my anxiousness.

"You know," Changbin started, his hand falling on my lower back as he casually continued walking. "I wasn't sure if I'd tell you at first," he continued, making my mind stop, yet my heart race. Please don't tell me he knew about us. Well, what the viewers are supposed to believe is 'us'. "But..." Changbin still seemed to hesitate, only making my heart beat louder behind my chest. "I found Felix all cuddled up to you last night," he concluded it with, seeming like a relief to him to. "I don't know exactly what is going on in his mind, but maybe it's best to take some distance from him. It seems like he might have something more on his mind when it comes to you," he added on.

Was this supposed to be a relief or not? At least Changbin didn't know about the pact we made, but his words made me start to think things over. What if Felix was doing all this out of actual jealousy? What if he was actually starting to take an interest in me? It could have explained a little. Maybe he had gotten upset over Seungmin's blunt choice of words about us 'kissing'. That seemed plausibel. I gave Changbin a nod, to consumed by my thoughts to give him an actual thought out answer. If that truly was the case, taking some more distance from it all might be a better choice indeed. We had already gotten quite the amount of gadgets for now to last a little longer at least.

As soon as we had reached the end of the dune, we were back at the foot of the stone table, the minefield already right in front of us again. Who knew what else this had in store for us. Seungmin and I already barely survived this, had it gotten another upgrade, we'd probably be a lost cause. Unless this indeed was the solution to it all, like we all hoped. It had only been two days, but that was enough time to be absolutely exhausted. The night seemed to be falling too once more, the sun setting right before our eyes. We could truly use some sleep after this.

"Minho, do you remember the exact path we took by any chance?" Chan asked hopefully, only for Minho to crush it. "It was too difficult to exactly where we stepped, I was too focused on Jisung not dying at the time." Very understandable, if he'd asked me. Chan put Seungmin down again as well, who seemed to be in an even worse state than I was in. He had taken the biggest hit out of the two of us after all. Had I even thanked him for it? I didn't even remember. I made a mental note to myself to do so later on, when I had the chance. Ever since the incident we hadn't gotten the chance to talk, though there were only more things to talk over than before.

"Well, only one way to find out then," Chan concluded nonchalantly. "Minho, can you give me the stone?" he asked, stretching out his hand to his younger teammate. "Whatever it is that you're planning on doing; no," Minho instantly shot him down. Chan frowned, keeping his hand still however. "What is that supposed to mean?" Minho rolled his eyes. "Do I even have to explain? You're gonna go alone, knowing fully well that there mind be an actual landmine underneath the sand, willing to sacrifice yourself if needed. Am I wrong?" Chan finally retrieved his hand, his gaze falling down to the ground.

"I say we all go again together," Hyunjin prompted. "Yeah," Jeongin added in. "What do you say? All or none?" Chan smiled a little, looking at the two thankfully. "If we want to get that prize money, we're gonna need everyone here to survive, including you Chan." "Exactly, listen to the baby," Changbin contributed from right behind me, earning a glare from Jeongin, but a chuckle from me. Chan took Minho's hands, placing them on the back of his shoulder, the rest of us automatically following to form a line, behind Chan.

"All or none, we're gonna cross the finish line."

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