Chapter 38: First Day As A Trainee

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When we got to YG there were more paparazzi there. I told Donghyuk to put me down. And two security guys came to us so we could go through the crowd of paparazzi. A lot of them were asking us questions but Donghyuk told me to not answer any of them. Once inside the building I felt more at ease. "What should I do about shoes? I can't go around all day without shoes..." "Wait here. I'll go see if I can borrow some shoes for you." Donghyuk left. A few minutes later he came back with some sneakers. "Here wear these." He handed me the sneakers. They were white with pink glitter. They were girl sneakers. "Whose are these?" "I told Dara noona that you needed shoes and she said you can borrow a pair of her sneakers." "Oh. Well tell her I said thanks." "I will." I put on the sneakers. They fit me a bit big but it was better than nothing. "Well I gotta go report to YG now. He said I'm gonna be evaluated." "Okay. Good luck. See you later." "Thanks. Bye."

I went to the secretary desk and she told me to go to the auditorium. Luckily Taehyun had given me a tour before so I knew where the auditorium was. I got to the auditorium and one of the assistants led me up the stage. In the audience was YG, Tablo, Taeyang, Bom, and a few other people. I started to get nervous. "Hello Ms. Alonso. Please do not be nervous. This is not an audition. This is just an evaluation. Were all here just to see what changes and improvements you need." YG spoke into a mic. "Please rap for us. I would like to hear your style in rapping." Tablo spoke up. I started rapping one of Giriboy's song. "Your good. You have a CL feel to your rap just that your voice is a bit higher than hers and you rap faster." Taeyang commented. "I think with just a few months of training and you'll be ready to debut." Bom commented. "Maybe I could sign you to Epik High's new label. You could be our first artist." Tablo said. "I agree with what everyone has been saying. Your rap is good. Good enough to debut in a few months. BUT you will need some changes in your looks later on. And I'm not talking about plastic surgery but a change in clothing style. Right now you look more like a Girl's Generation member so we need to change that and make you look like a YG artist. AND you will also need to work hard on learning how to dance. For a change in look our stylists and 2NE1 will help you with that. For dance you will have our choreographers teach you. And you are to practice with iKON." "Yes sir." I bowed. "For now you may go watch iKON practice. That way you get a feel of what you'll need to do as a trainee." I bowed again and left.

I got to the trainees practice room and found iKON dancing to a Big Bang song. I just sat on a bench and watched them dance. Once the song was over they took a break. Donghyuk walked over to me. "How did the evaluation go?" "Good. They said my rap is good and that I can debut in a few months. Tablo even said that he could sign me to Epik High's new label. But I do need to work hard on dancing. And I will also need a change in look." "Well its good that you can debut in a few months. And I can help you with dancing. Stand up. I'll teach you some dance moves." "But your supposed to be taking a break, not teaching me. I'll have choreographers teach me and I'll just practice with you guys." "But I'm your boyfriend. Its my job to help and support you. And I'm not really tired so come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. He started doing some dance moves and explained them to me. And I tried copying him but had some trouble with some parts. So I just kept trying till I got it right. We danced for about 30 minutes till it was almost time for iKON to resume practice. I felt bad for Donghyuk that he didn't get to rest because of me. "Donghyuk turn your back to me." "Why?" "Just do it." "K." He turned his back to me and I started giving him a massage. "Woah. Your good at giving massages. Makes me wonder what else your good at." "Perv." "What?" "You know what. Now go back to practice before I hit you for being a perv." "Aww. Okay. But later give me more messages. Kay?" "Okay. I'll give you more massages but if you also give me massages." "Deal!" He went back to dancing with the guys and I just continued to watch them. B.I was the best dancer out of all of them. I wish I could dance like him. He was really good at leading the guys too. And I can see why YG chose him as the leader. Once they were done with practice I went up to B.I and Jinhwan. "Hey guys. Can we go out to talk for a bit?" "Sure." We started walking to the door but Donghyuk blocked it. "Where you two going with my girlfriend?" He looked at B.I and Jinhwan. "I asked to talk with them. So if you'll excuse us we will just be out for a few minutes." I took Donghyuk's hand off the door. "Okay. But just for a few minutes. And then come back because I'm taking you shopping." "Okay. I'll be back."


B.I, Jinhwan, and I went up the rooftop to talk. The rooftop was probably the safest place to talk without anyone hearing us. "Is this about the gay couple?" B.I asked. "Yeah. I already talked to them and they agreed to meet you guys. So when do you guys wanna meet?" "Is tomorrow during lunch okay?" Jinhwan asked. "I think so. But let me just call to make sure." I took out my cellphone and dialed Mino. But I walked away from B.I and Jinhwan so they couldn't hear Mino's voice on the other end of the call. Mino picked up after a few rings. "Yeoboseyo?" "Hey. Its Abby. The couple wants to know if you guys can meet them tomorrow during lunch. What do I tell them?" "Yeah. Thats fine. But could we use your dorm to meet?" "Yeah. You guys can meet at my place." "K. Thanks." "No problem. I'm gonna go tell the guys now." "Okay. Bye." "Bye." I hanged up and walked back to B.I and Jinhwan. "They can meet. And you guys will meet at my dorm. That okay?" "Yeah. Thats fine." B.I said. "Okay. Well Donghyuk must be getting impatient so imma go now. Bye guys." "Bye."

I went back to the practice room and Donghyuk was the only one left there. He was waiting for me. "I'm all yours now. So where do you wanna go?" "Really? Your ALL mine now? Then can we go know what." he winked. "Yah! Stop being pervy! I really didn't think you were like this. You look so shy and innocent." "I'm just kidding! I'm not really pervy!" "Well I don't believe you." "Well believe me. If I were a pervert then I would had done so much to you by now." "Oh yeah? Like what?" "Like this." He got closer to me. I backed away but he got even closer and he...he...started kissing my neck and sucking it. At that moment the door to the practice room opened and in came Taehyun.

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