Chapter 23: I love you, Jinwoo

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************MINO'S POV************

"Who you texting?" Jinwoo sat next to me and poked me in the arm. "Abby." I sighed. "Whats wrong?" "She wants to meet us." "Us? As in me and you us?" "Yeah. I think she probably knows about us now..." "Oh...What should we do? Do you think she will keep our secret?" "I don't know..."


It was almost time to go meet Abby. I was already ready but Jinwoo was still getting ready so I was waiting for him. He takes a really long time getting ready...just like a girl.

I was really nervous...I'm pretty sure Abby already knows about me and Jinwoo and thats why she wants to meet us both. I think she has been suspicious for some time and well from what happened last night must of been what confirmed her suspicions. And I just hope she wont be mad at me and that she'll keep our secret.

I kept on pacing back and forth in the living room. And I could feel myself sweating. I was deep in thought when Jinwoo suddenly came to hug me from the back. I jumped from the surprise. "You ready now?" I asked. But when I turned around I saw that Jinwoo was still not changed. And the only thing he had was a towel wrapped around his waist. He must of just gotten out of the shower since his hair was wet. He put his arms around my neck and pulled me down to kiss me. I kissed him back and we kissed for a few seconds until Jinwoo pulled away. "You want to have a quickie before we go?" Jinwoo whispered in my ear and started kissing my neck. "Yaaah Kim Jinwoo! We're running late already! We're supposed to meet Abby in 30 minutes and it takes 15 minutes to get there! So hurry and get dressed!" Jinwoo made these cute puppy eyes and started doing some aegyo. "Aegyo is not gonna work this time Jin. There is just no time for it. And plus I don't know how you can even be thinking about having sex when our secret has been exposed! You should be worrying right now!" "Aww okay. I give up. But can we once we get back?" "Later the guys will be here so we can't." "We almost never get to do it!" Jinwoo started stomping on the floor and went to his closet to get clothes. "I'm sorry Jin. I wish we could do it more too but you know we can't. But how can I make it up to you?" "How bout you stop dating girls!" "You know I can't and I've already told you why. If I don't date girls then people will suspect us even more. You know a lot of fans already think me and you are a couple." "I just sometimes wish I were a girl and then there would be no problems with me and you dating...should I get a surgery?" "You know I wouldn't like you if you were a girl. I like male body parts. And I like you for who you are. You don't need any changes, you are perfect just the way you are." "Thanks Mino."

I felt bad for Jinwoo so I went to him and hugged him. "I love you." I whispered in his ears. "I love you too." "I promise I will try to make more time for us to be alone. But we have to be careful not to be caught. So I have to first find a way for us to be able to go out on more dates without there being any suspicions." "Its okay Mino. I understand. Now let me change before its too late." "You want me to change you?" "No. That will just get me to want to do it with you more." "Okay then I will wait for you in the car but hurry." "Kay. I'll be out in 5 minutes."

I went out and waited for Jinwoo in the car. Its been 5 minutes and he still wasn't out. I kept on honking the horn so he would hurry. And finally after 15 minutes he was out. He was wearing a baby blue polo shirt with white pants and some white loafers. He looked really handsome. "What took you so long? You said 5 minutes and you took 15! I had to even call Abby and tell her we were running late." "I'm sorry but I look good right?" I rolled my eyes. "Do you even have to ask? You look good in anything!" "Thanks babe! But don't you think I look better without any clothes?" "Even better." I smiled.


We finally arrived at the cafe where Gun first introduced me to Abby. We were 10 minutes late but Abby had said it was okay.

We got in and looked around for Abby. Jinwoo spotted her and pointed to where she was at but she wasn't alone...There was someone else sitting in front of her...But I couldn't see who it was since their back was facing us. But it was a guy...

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