Chapter 12: #Gun is Mino's cousin?!

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I needed someone to talk to. I need some advice. And the only person that came to mind was CL. She was the only one I could trust with my problems cuz she always helped me out. So I decided to call her. I haven't talked to her since I was in the US and she still doesn't know that I have a job now and that I'm working in Starship. Unless if the 2NE1 members already told her about me and Donghyun...But I don't think they have told her anything because if they did then CL would of already called me.

*ring ring ring*
"Hey unnie, its Abby."
"Hey Abby. Whats up? Are you already settled in my apartment? Have you applied for any jobs yet?"
"I'm actually not staying in your apartment right now..."
"Why not? Then where are you staying?"
"I'm staying at Starship's dorms."
"Starship Entertainment? Why are you staying in their dorms? Did you decide to auditon to be a trainee instead of looking for a job as translator?"
"No, unnie. I'm not a trainee. You know I can't sing or dance."
"Then how are you staying in those dorms?"
"Its because I got a job in Starship."
"You got a job that fast? But you just arrived to Korea a few days ago."
"Well its a long story but Donghyun from Boyfriend is my brothers friend."
"So thats how you got a job? Donghyun helped you out?"
"Yeah...but...he didn't do it for free...he did it in exchange for something that he has wanted for many years..." *sigh*
"What is it?"
"What do you mean you?"
"Well ever since high school Donghyun had a crush on me and he had always wanted me to be his girlfriend but I would always reject him. So he told me he would get me a job at his label if I agreed to be his girlfriend..."
"So you agreed to date him?!"
"Yeah...You know how badly I wanted a job and I would of done almost anything just to get a job."
"But how long do you have to date him for?"
"Until I meet Mino...We agreed that if I were to ever meet Mino then we would break up. And I was actually the one to propose that..."
"Aigoo Abby. Well your gonna have to wait and be stuck with dating Donghyun for 3 months until I get there and introduce you to Mino. I'm sorry to have to make you wait for so long."
"Its okay unnie. Its not your fault. I got myself into this."
"Well does he at least treat you good? And do the other artists and trainees there treat you good?"
"Donghyun is a possessive jealous perv. And as for how the artists and trainees been treating me..."
"What? How have they been treating you."
I started to cry remembering what happened last night.
"Whats wrong? Are they treating you bad?! Do you want your unnie to go and kick some ass?!"
"Last night I was about to lose my virginity to a guy that had made a bet that he could get in bed with me."
"Who is that bastard?! And who did he make the bet with?!"
"Its Minwoo...the maknae of Donghyun's group...he made the bet with some of the trainees."
"Well have you told anyone? He needs to be punished for this! You should tell the CEO!"
"I can't tell anyone. If I tell on him then Donghyun will find out I was cheating on him and he will fire me. But this one person does know about what happened. The guy that saved me. And the only guy that doesn't think I'm a slut..."
"Who is that?"
"He's a trainee and his name is #Gun."
"#Gun? His name sounds his name Song Gunhee?"
"I think his name is Gunhee but I dont know about his surname."
"I remember now! I know who he is! He is Mino's cousin! I remember meeting him one day. Mino introduced him to me and said that he was his cousin that was a trainee at Starship. And he is also said that he will be in a survival show for a new boygroup."
"#Gun is Mino's cousin?!"
"Yeah! And now you know someone that knows Mino! And its even better because he is Mino's family! You could tell him about your problem with Donghyun and ask him to introduce you to Mino."
"But Donghyun told me that I couldn't tell anyone about our relationship. So I can't tell him."
"So what? You could also just tell him that you are a fan of his cousin and ask to meet him."
"But I would be so embarrassed to do that. I'm not even close to #Gun. I don't know him very well yet."
"Well get to know him then you can get close to him and become his friend. And then you ask him about Mino."
"I guess I could do that. Thanks unnie! You always help me out with my problems!"
"Your welcome!"
"Well I gotta get ready for work. Ttyl! Bye!"

So now all I have to do to be able to meet Mino is get close to #Gun...He seems like a nice guy so I hope he will want to be my friend. I just feel a bit bad about wanting to become his friend just so I could meet Mino. I have no other choice if I want to break up with Donghyun. This is the only way. I'm sorry #Gun but I have to do this. And I promise I'll be good to you.

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