Chapter 13: The Cafeteria

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Once I was at Starship I couldn't look anyone in the eyes. I felt so ashamed of myself for what happened last night. And I couldn't get myself to approach the trainees. I was afraid they all knew what happened last night. And it was even worse because I didn't even know who were the trainees that made the bet with Minwoo. So I just decided to avoid them all. But in the hallways I would occasionally see some trainees looking at me and whispering to eachother. And I tried to ignore them as much as I could but it did still bothered me a bit.

When it was time for lunch I didn't feel very hungry but there was nothing else I could do, so I just went to the cafeteria. But I didn't know most of the food since it was all mostly Korean food. So I just decided on getting some noodles, I forgot what they are called but they are thick and brown. Then I went to a table far away from the big crowds. I looked around and I was the only one eating alone. I didn't really mind though since I needed some alone time. I took out my ipod and put on my earphones. I just wanted to block out all the noise from the cafeteria and be in my own little world. I scrolled on my playlist and decided to listen to WINNER. Their music always makes me feel better. Then a few minutes later I feel someone from behind pull out my earphones. I turned back to see who it was and it was a girl trainee that looked to be about 18 years old.
"What is your problem?" I asked her.
"You are! You slut! I heard you were gonna sleep with Minwoo last night! Well Minwoo is mine bitch! So back off!" she raised her arm and was about to slap me when all of a sudden someone grabbed her arm and stopped her. It was #Gun.
She turned to him and looked furious.
"Let me go! I need to slap this bitch and teach her a lesson to not get involved with someone else's boyfriend!" she screamed at him.
"She didn't know Minwoo had a girlfriend. And it was Minwoo that seduced Abby. He wanted to sleep with her. Not the other way around. Abby has no fault in this. She was a victim just like you. So I suggest you go talk to your little boyfriend instead. And if I ever see you bothering Abby again I will report you the CEO." #Gun told the girl. The girl just looked annoyed and left.
"Thank you" I said.
"No problem" he said and smiled.
"Gunhee there is something I want to ask you..."
"What is it?" he sat down in front of me.
"Who are the trainees that made the bet with Minwoo? I want to know who are the bad trainees and who to keep away from."
"The trainees that made the bet were Minhyuk, Hyungwon, and Minkyun. And as for who you should keep away from I'm not sure who to tell you but the trainees who I think are the nicest are Shownu, Yoonho, Jooheon, Yoosu, and me. The others are okay though."
"Well I think you are the nicest." I said.
He blushed.
"Thank you for thinking that. And if you don't have anyone to eat your lunches with I could eat with you. We can be lunch buddies." he smiled.
"Well I don't really know many people here so it would be nice to have you as a lunch buddy."
"Okay. Then we will meet at this table from now on." he said.
We talked for a while and I told him a bit about myself. And he also told me some stuff about him. Then lunch time was over so we both walked out together. But on our way out I saw Donghyun. He was walking towards us. "Hey babe. I don't have practice later tonight so would you like to go out on a date in the evening?" he asked the question to me but he was staring at #Gun the whole time. I felt he was jealous. He always gets jealous when he sees me with other guys. "Gosh. I can't. I have practice later tonight. I'm so sorry babe. But would tomorrow evening be okay with you?" #Gun replied. I laughed. "I was asking Abby, not you Gun." Donghyun said. "Well then why were you looking at me when you were talking?" #Gun said. "Just go away Gunhee. And leave me and my girlfriend alone." "Well okay. Byeee Abby. See you at lunch tomorrow!" #Gun said and walked away. "You eat your lunches with #Gun?" Donghyun looked at me with an angry look. "Yeah. Whats the problem? I can eat with anyone I want." I said. "But why a guy? People will then start talking and say that you are cheating on me with him." "Well I don't know many people here. And #Gun is nice. Plus its not like you can have lunch with me. All the idols have a different lunch schedule from the trainees and employees. And I can also have guy friends." "How bout you eat lunch with Kylie?" "Who is Kylie?" I asked. "Kylie is Minwoo's girlfriend." My eyes widened. " thank you..." "And why not? She has the same lunch as you since she is a trainee. It would be better to be friends with her than with #Gun." "I've just heard that she is not nice, thats all." "Well whatever but if I ever sense something suspicious going on with you and #Gun, I will not leave you two alone." "Ugh. Okay. Don't worry. Nothing will happen. We're just friends. You don't always have to get so jealous when you see me with a guy. You know the only guy I love is Mino." he rolled his eyes. "Whatever. So you wanna go out tonight?" I felt sorta guilty about what happened between me and Minwoo so I decided to just this time do what he wanted. "Sureee." I said. He looked surprised by my answer. I guess he wasn't expecting me to say yes. And normally I would of said no but my conscious was getting to me. I know this isn't really a normal relationship but the fact that I made out with one of his members sorta made me feel bad. "Okay. I'll come pick you up from work at 6." he said. "Okay." I nodded.

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