Chapter 22: The Truth

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They were KISSING! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! KISSING! OMG! I left running from there before they saw me and called Taehyun.

"Hey Taehyun. Can we meet right now? Its important and I need to talk to you."
"Yeah. Sure. I'm free right now. Where should we meet?"
"Well we need someplace private."
"Is your dorm okay?"
"Yeah, sure. I'll be on my way there and I'll be there in about 30 minutes."
"Okay. See you then."
"Kay. Bye."

I got a taxi and left to my dorm. About 25 minutes later I arrived. And then about 10 minutes later Taehyun arrived.

As soon as I opened the door for Taehyun I hugged him and started crying. "You were right. Mino can't love me. I did what you suggested to me a few days ago. I dressed sexy and tried to seduce him but he didn't do anything. He didn't kiss me back. And he didn't do anything when I was taking off my clothes. But then Jinwoo got there and saw us. And then Jinwoo ran away and Mino ran after him. And I went after them but then outside I saw Jinwoo and Mino together...and they were...they were kissing...So is Mino gay? Is that the secret you were talking about?" He nodded. "Yes. Mino is gay. And his partner is Jinwoo. And I'm sorry you had to find out this way but I was the one that sent Jinwoo over to the dorms. I wanted you to know that Mino can't love you because he doesn't like girls." "But how could Mino date me when he already has Jinwoo?" "He wants to hide the fact that he is gay. And he doesn't want any suspicions either so he has sorta created this playboy image for himself. As idols the gays cannot date the same gender openly in the public or else their careers as singers will be over." "But is Jinwoo okay with all this? What does he think about Mino dating girls just to hide the fact that they are a gay couple?" "Well he doesn't like it of course. And he wishes Mino wouldn't go out on dates with girls. But he knows it is necessary in order to not be found out of their sexuality. And plus there is also some fans that suspect that MinWoo (Mino and Jinwoo) are a real couple." "Well they do make a really cute couple and they do even seem to really like eachother. I was even a MinWoo shipper for a while but then I thought it was ridiculous and that it was just my imagination." "So what are you gonna do now? You gonna pretend you don't know about them and continue dating Mino?" "No, I'm not gonna continue dating him. I wouldn't feel right dating him knowing that he loves someone else. So I'm gonna talk to him about this tomorrow." "Okay. So would you date me now?" "I don't know Tae. I know I feel some lust for you but I'm still not sure about my feelings for you. And I wouldn't want to get in a relationship not being sure about it and then end up hurting the both of us. So just give me some time to get to know my heart. And if I find to realize that I have feelings for you then I'll let you know. But for now lets just continue being friends. I know for sure I like you as a friend." "How about friends with benefits?" He got closer to me and was about to kiss me. I pushed his face away. "No Taehyun. Just friends." He frowned. "Sorry Tae but I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship." "Well your no fun." "I'm gonna be 23 soon, 24 in Korean age. Life is not about fun at this age. So from now on if I decide to get in a relationship its gonna be because I feel like I can settle down with that person." "So you don't think of me as someone you can settle down with?" "Its not that. I'm just not so sure about it. And I want to be 100% sure about it. I've made so many mistakes in the past and don't want to make any more." "Well fine then. I'll just have to make you fall in love with me and get you to be 100% sure about me." "Well go ahead and try. I won't stop you but just don't cross the line." "Okay. Just you wait. Soon I'll have you asking me to be your boyfriend." "Well don't be so confident boy. I know for sure you got some competition." "What competition?" "You'll find out later..." I smiled.

I knew #Gun liked me. I had known for a few days because Jooheon told me. I was just waiting for him to confess his feelings. And honestly I like him but just like with Taehyun I'm just not yet sure about my feelings for him. So I will give both of them a fair chance. And whoever makes me fall in love first is the one that I will stay with.


*****The next morning*****

My alarm rang. It was 6:30am and I had to be at work at 8. I woke up still sleepy. I went to bed at 2am last night because Taehyun and I stayed up watching movies. He wanted to stay and sleep here but I told him he couldn't. But since it was late I texted #Gun and asked him if Taehyun could go over to his dorm and sleep there. I knew #Gun was probably still awake because he told me he sometimes has trouble sleeping. And I was right, #Gun was awake. He had replied to my text immediately. He said it was okay for Taehyun to sleep at his dorm so I sent Taehyun over. Taehyun wasn't so happy about it but I wasn't gonna let this boy that always wanted to kiss me stay over. Who knows what he would do to me. But knowing him he would probably try to sneak in my bed.

Once I got done getting ready for work I texted Mino.

"Hey Mino. Can we meet during lunch? I need to talk with you."
"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"
"About last night."
"Oh. Okay. Where should we meet?"
"How about the place where we first met?"
"Sure. I'll wait for you there then."
"Kay. But can you bring Jinwoo with you?"
"Jinwoo? Why Jinwoo?"
"I just need to tell something to both of you."
"Okay. I'll bring him with me."
"Kay. Thanks. See you two later. Bye."

SONG COUSINS (Mino and Gunhee)Where stories live. Discover now