Chapter 51: Dinner With His Mom

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The next morning I got called to YG's office. It seems like I've been going there a lot lately. But this time I went all by myself. I didn't have Donghyuk to accompany me like all the other times.

"Ms. Alonso what you did last night was a very bold thing. Luckily the reactions were good. But things could have gone very bad. You could have gotten a lot of hate and criticism. It's a good thing you have nice fans and the public loves you. But I advice you that from now on you think more carefully before you say or do anything. You are a public figure now and people expect you to be perfect." YG said. "Yes sir. I'll be more careful from now on." "Now go talk to Tablo. He has something to talk to you about." I bowed and went over to Tablo's office.

Tablo's temporary office was just down the hall. But High Ground will soon have its own building and that's where Epik High will start working from now on. When I got to Tablo's office the door was closed and so I knocked. The door opened and it was #Gun who had opened the door! "What are you doing here?" I asked #Gun. "Sit down and Tablo will tell you why I'm here today." He smiled. So I took a seat. Tablo turned his chair in my direction. "Hello Ms. Alonso. You are here today so we can talk about your debut." "So what is #Gun here for?" I asked. "To talk about his debut." "Really?! #Gun will debut in High Ground?!" "Yes. He will be debuting with us." "Well this is great news! Why didn't you tell me you had gotten recruited by High Ground?" I turned to #Gun and asked him. "He didn't tell you because at first I had offered him a solo debut. I offered him to be High Ground's first artist but he turned me down." Tablo interrupted. "But why would you turn down such an offer?" I turned to #Gun. "Because if I debuted first then you would have to wait longer for your debut. And I wanted you to be High Ground's first artist. I didn't want to take that spot from you." #Gun answered. "Well now both of you will be High Ground's first artist!" Tablo exclaimed. "How is that possible?" I asked confused. "You will both debut together. As a duo." "Really?!" "Yup. But first you two will have to train together for 6 months. And while you train we'll do the preparations for your debut. We'll have the songs for your album written and composed by the time the 6 months are up. So your debut will be in March." "That's awesome!" I said. "Do you guys have any questions?" "Nope." "Okay well if you two excuse me I have to go check up on the process of High Ground." Tablo got up and left. I turned to #Gun. "You should had told me you got that offer from Tablo. I would of been happy for you." "But aren't you glad I refused that offer? Now we both will get to debut as a duo! That's even better!" "Well I guess. But still rejecting that first offer was risky of you. Your lucky that Tablo made this second offer." "Well I like to take risks. And taking that risk was definitely worth it." "Well then your like me cuz I also like to take risks. So how should we celebrate this?" "Well I told my mom about us and she wants to meet you. What about celebrating with her? She doesn't know about the debut yet though so we could surprise her with that." "That's a good idea. I also would like to meet your mom. How about dinner tomorrow at my dorm?" "Yeah. That's fine. I'll tell her." "Great. And I'll cook some Mexican food for her. I hope she likes my cooking."


The next day as soon as practice was over I went to my dorm to start cooking the food for my dinner with #Gun and his mom. And since practice was over early today I was able to get to my dorm at 3. And our dinner will be at 6. For the food I will be making tamales de res and tamales de queso. To drink I will be making champurrado. And for dessert I will be making flan, churros, and other type of pan dulce like conchas, empanadas de crema, y orejas. My grandparents own a bakery in Mexico so my grandma thought me how to bake. #Gun didn't know I bake so this will be my little surprise for him.

While I was waiting for the tamales to cook and the pan dulce to bake, I took a quick shower and got dressed. I wanted to look nice and impress #Gun's mom. I looked through my dresses and decided on a white lace mid-lenght dress. Then I put on some beige high heels. For my hair I fixed it up in a nice bun and let down a few curls. And I put on a thin white headband. For jewerly I wore pearl earrings, a heart locket, and my couple ring. And I decided on wearing minimal makeup so I just put on mascara and a bit of blush. Back home all the mom's would tell me that I looked more beautiful without makeup and so thats why I decided on only putting on a bit.

Once I got done getting ready the tamales and pan dulce were also ready. It was 5:30 so they will be here soon. My dorm wasn't really messy but I decided to clean up a bit. Once I was done I had ten minutes to spare. #Gun had texted me that they were almost here. I was excited and yet nervous at the same time.

#Gun and his mom got here right on time. I bowed and greeted #Gun's mom as soon as I saw her. "Annyeong haseyo Ms. Song. It's nice to meet you. I am Gunhee's girlfriend, Abby." "Hello Abby. It's nice to meet you too. Your so pretty." "Thank you. Would you like to sit for dinner? I made us some Mexican food. I hope you like it." "Sure. It smells yummy." #Gun and his mom sat down. I brought out the food and placed the plates. "For the main dish I made tamales de res and tamales de queso. To drink I made champurrado. And for desert I made flan, churros, conchas, empanadas de crema, and orejas." "Wow. So much food. And it all looks so yummy. Who taught you how to cook?" "For cooking my mom did and for baking my grandma did. My parents own a restaurant and my grandparents own a bakery so I started learning from a young age." "Wow. Well that's impressive, a young lady that cooks. That's very rare these days." "Well I hope you like my cooking. Enjoy." I sat down and we started eating. #Gun's mom kept giving me compliments on my cooking. She seemed to have really liked the food. Once we were done eating there was still some food left so I decided to pack some to give to #Gun's mom. "Mom, would you like it if Abby taught you how to cook?" #Gun asked his mom. "I would love that! But will Abby want to?" "Of course Ms. Song! I would love to!" "Great! Let me give you my number and whenever you have time to you can just text or call me." We exchanged phone numbers. "Mom, we have some great news to tell you." #Gun said. "What is it son?" "Well today me and Abby got signed as a duo for High Ground!" "Wow! Congrats you two! When will be the debut?" "Just 6 more months of training and we'll debut in March." "That's great! Finally your dreams will come true my son! I'm so proud of you!" "It's all thanks to you mom. You always supported me." #Gun hugged his mom. This was such a sweet moment. Made me tear up a bit. I miss my mom. "Sweetie are you crying?" #Gun's mom asked me. I wiped my tears quickly. "A bit. It's just that I miss my mom. I wish she were here too so I can share my happiness with her." "Awww. Well I'll be your Korean mom from now on. You can call me eomeoni. And you can share your happiness with me. Come get in the hug with us" I went and hugged with both #Gun and his mom. It felt nice to have someone to share your happiness with. And #Gun's mom was so nice. Now I see why #Gun is so nice, he got it from his mom. I had the best boyfriend ever and now I have the best eomeoni. I was happy.

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