Chapter 43: Reality Show?

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I went back to my dorm. When I got there Mino and Jinwoo were already getting ready to leave. "We gotta go now. WINNER begins practice before you guys. Bye." Mino said as he walked out the door with Jinwoo behind. I went to the living room and sat next to Jinhwan. "So did it go well?" I asked. "Yeah. It went great. We're even thinking about a double date together. But if we do go out were gonna have to pretend to go as friends." "Actually you don't have to do that." I said. "What do you mean?" B.I asked. "I mean you guys can go out as a couple." "And how do we do that?" "Well thats actually what I want to talk about to you guys." "Okay. Go on. We're listening." "Well this is gonna probably sound ridiculous but have you guys thought about crossdressing?" "What do you mean by crossdressing? Your not actually saying one of us should crossdress, right?" "That's exactly what I'm saying. One of you can crossdress." "And how exactly will we do that?" "Well I know neither of you are really feminine looking but..." "Exactly. We're not feminine looking. So how would will be able to pull it off?" "With my help. I'm really good with all this makeup stuff so even though it might be hard I could make one of you look like a girl." "One of us? Then who would that be?" I looked at Jinhwan. "Me?!" Jinhwan eyes widened. "Yes. You." "And why me?" "Because I think you will look better as a girl." "I don't think so." "Why don't we just try it?" B.I gave a serious look at Jinhwan. "Your just saying that because your not the one that has to dress as a girl." "No. I'm saying that because I would really like for us to be able to date freely. And I know this all sounds ridiculous but this is the only way. So think about it babe. Don't you want us to be able to go out on actual real dates and not just sneak out at night?" "I do want to but...but...I would make an ugly girl." "Well I have an app on my phone. And on that app with just a photo of you we could see how you would look like as a girl. It puts makeup on you and changes your hairstyle." "Okay. Try that. Take a photo of me and see how I would look as a girl." Jinhwan said. "Okay. Stay still." I took out my phone and took a photo of Jinhwan. Then I went to the app and started applying some makeup on the photo. He looked good so far. He actually looked like a girl. Once I was done with the makeup part it was time to change his hairstyle. I picked a medium lenght brown hair color with a side bang. And it looked good. So then I showed the edited photo to B.I and Jinhwan. And they looked shocked at first. But then slowly a smile started creeping up on both of their faces. "Lets do it!" They both yelled in unison. "Okay. Well I'll be doing another makeover this weekend. I'll just ask the people I'm helping out if they would be okay with having some other people around. So is this weekend okay with you guys?" "Of course! Whenever is fine just let us know." B.I said. "Okay. Well I'll let you know what they say later." "Thanks Abby." Jinhwan saids with a smile. "Your welcome." I smile back. "Okay. Well us three have to go back to YG. Its almost time for the trainees to check back in." B.I said while getting up. Jinhwan then gets up and I follow.

This time we take a taxi to get back since there wasn't much time. When we got there all the other trainees were there. All except one, Donghyuk. I looked around but couldn't find him so I asked the other guys. "You guys know where Donghyuk is at? He'll be late." "Donghyuk was just got called out by YG and you were too but you weren't here. So YG said that when you got here to tell you he wants to see you at his office." Bobby said. "Oh. Thanks. I'll go there now."

YG? Why would he want to see me and Donghyuk? I started getting nervous but just shook it off and walked to YG's office. I knocked and Donghyuk opened the door. I went inside and YG was sitting behind his desk. "Annyeong haseyo." I said as I bowed. "Miss Alonso are you not yet well aware of your situation?" YG spoke up. "Situation?" "Yes. Your situation. Don't you know your every move is being watched?" "Yeah. Of course. How can I not know when everyday I see paparazzi following me around. Its like they are filming a reality show or something." "Well then did you know that some photos of you and #Gun being together are going around on SNS sites?" "Photos of me and #Gun? From today? But that can't be...That was barely like an hour ago..." "Well apparently photos were taken from customers at the cafe you were at. And those customers started posting these photos online. Miss Alonso, are you perhaps dating #Gun? Cuz you know that is strictly forbidden since you are supposed to only be dating Donghyuk right now." I started getting nervous and I think I was even starting to sweat. Words just couldn't come out of my mouth at that moment. I didn't really know what to say. Technically I'm not even dating #Gun right now but then why can't I just say that I'm not? Why am I feeling guilty? Donghyuk noticed how tense I had gotten so he cleared his throat and spoke up. "#Gun is a mutual friend of ours. And Abby is currently teaching #Gun languages. So no, they are not dating." "Is that true Ms. Alonso?" YG looked up at me. "Thats true. #Gun is a friend of ours. And I help him out with languages." "Well you really need to be careful with who you hang out with. Cuz now some people are even suspecting you of cheating. And others are even thinking that you and Donghyuk are having relationship problems. But I will clear this all up and let reporters know that #Gun is just a friend of both of you. But for that there is something you guys will have to do..." "What is it?" I asked. "All three of you will have to hang out together. And it will have to be in a public place were you can all be seen." "We can do that." Donghyuk said. "Good. And also one more thing I have to request from you two. Ms. Alonso gave me this idea earlier when she mentioned reality shows when she was talking about the paparazzi." "Reality shows? So you want us to do a reality show?" Donghyuk asked with a spark in his eyes. "Yes. I would like it if you both could do a reality show together. It would be sorta like We Got Married but instead we can call it We Are Dating. So what do you guys think? You guys in?" "I'm all for it! How about you Abby?" Donghyuk turned to look at me. "I'm sorry but a dating show?...I'm not so sure about that...I would be okay with other type of reality shows but a dating show?...I wouldn't feel too comfortable with something like that..." "Well if your not comfortable with a dating show thats fine. You don't have to do it but I would like it if you were to be on a reality show. The public seems to have a lot of interest in you and so I would love to get you out there and more known before you officially debut. So can you do a reality show?" "Yes, I can do a reality show just as long as its not a dating one." "Well you have two options. Unpretty Rapstar 2 or Show Me The Money 4? What will it be Ms. Alonso?"

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