Chapter 15: Abby Meets Mino

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************#GUN POV************

I decided to meet Mino and talk with him. Maybe he could help me with Abby's problem. Mino is known to be a player but he has a secret that only I know.

I texted him.
"Hey Mino. Can we meet today?"
"Hey Gun. Sure, we can meet today. But why is it that you want to meet all of a sudden? Is there a problem?"
"I have a favor to ask you. Its something important so I think it would be better to tell you in person instead of on the phone."
"Okay then. Lets meet after my photoshoot. Is 1pm okay with you?"
"Yeah. 1pm is fine. The trainees have a free day today."
"Okay. Where should we meet?"
"Is the cafe across the street from Starship okay with you?"
"Yeah. But why there? I thought you would want to meet somewhere closer to your dorms since you have the day off."
"There is an employee from Starship I want you to meet. She is a very important person to me."
"Yeah. Its a girl..."
"And do you happen to like this girl?"
"Yeah...and that is why I want you to meet her..."
"Wow. I feel special because you want me to meet a girl you like. You usually never introduce me to the girls you like."
"I've never introduced you to any of the girls I liked because I'm afraid they will fall in love with you. Your too good looking. But this girl is special. And I think she is the one."
"Well okay then. See you later. I gtg do my hair and makeup now. Bye."

Now I had to text Abby to ask her to meet me at the cafe for lunch. She is working today but her lunch is at 2. And I won't tell her about Mino because I want to keep it a surprise for her.

"Hey Abby. The trainees have a free day today so I won't be at the cafeteria today."
"Aww. Then who am I supposed to have lunch with today? Your my only friend. I'm gonna miss you. :("
"Don't worry. I'm gonna meet with a friend at the cafe across the street from Starship. You want to have lunch with us?"
"Won't I be a bother?"
"Nah, you won't be a bother. I want you there and my friend wouldn't mind."
"Well okay. I'll meet you at 2 then."
"Okay. See you later. Bye."


It was 1pm now. Time to meet Mino. I was already in the cafe but Mino texted me that he would be there 10 minutes late because there was traffic.

10 minutes later I saw a boy with a hoodie and sunglasses on. It was Mino. He spotted me and walked to my table.

"Hi Mino. Thanks for coming on short notice." I said.
"No problem. Anything for my little cousin."
"Hey I'm not little. I'm only a year younger than you."
"I know. I'm just messing with you. So what is the favor you want to ask me? And when is your girlfriend coming?"
"She is not my girlfriend!"
"But you want her to be. Am I right?"
"Well yeah, I do...but..."
"But what?"
"But she likes you..."
"Yeah and this is why I'm gonna ask you this favor..."
"What is it?"
"To date her. You don't currently have a girlfriend, do you?"
"No, I don't currently have a girlfriend. But you want me to date a girl you like? Why?"
"Well she currently has boyfriend..."
"She has a boyfriend?! Then how do you want me to date her?"
"Well she doesn't really like him and she doesn't want to be with him either..."
"Then why is she dating him?"
"Its because they made a deal. I'm not sure on what exactly it is that they made the deal for but my guess is that its because he got her a job. And the only way she can get out of the relationship with him is if she dates you."
"So you can't date her because she has a boyfriend? But then if I decide to date her, she breaks up with her boyfriend? This is all very confusing..."
"I knows this is a hard situation but your the only one that can help her. And I don't want her to keep on being in a relationship with someone she doesn't love."
"So you don't want her to be in a relationship with someone she doesn't love but you want her to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love her? You know very well that I can't love her."
"I know you could never love her. And that is why I trust you. And while you are dating her I will try my hardest to make her fall in love with me."
"Okay. I can tell that you really like this girl. And I am also very thankful to you for keeping my secret. So I will do this. I will date her."
"Thank you Mino." I started to cry.
"Hey don't cry. Everything will be okay. Your a nice guy so everything will work out for you. She is so lucky to have someone like you."
"I just feel bad that I'm making her date someone who can't love her. And she deserves to have someone that loves her."
"But she has you. You love her. And even though I can't love her I will still be nice to her and treat her good. I will take care of her for you so don't worry. So now cheer up and wipe those tears off your face. She will probably be here soon. And I don't think you would want her to see you like this."
I wiped my tears off my face.
I checked my cellphone and it was 1:40. So 20 more minutes till she gets here.
While we waited for her me and Mino talked about our family.

*20 minutes later*

I turned to the door and saw that a girl wearing a pink dress entered. It was Abby. I stood up and waved at her so she could see me. She saw me and started walking our way. Once she got to the table she saw that I was with Mino. Her eyes widened and she looked shocked.
"Mino? Is that Mino?" she pointed at him.
"Hey don't be rude and point at people! Sit down and say hi to him. He is my cousin. And yes he is Mino from WINNER." I said.
Mino smiled.
"Omg! I can't believe this! I finally get to meet him! He is so beautiful! Am I dreaming?! Somebody pinch me!"
I pinched her.
"Ouch!" she yelled.
"You are not dreaming so calm down." I said.
"Hi Abby." Mino said with a smile.
"Omg! Mino said my name! Hi Mino! I love you! And I love WINNER! I am a big fan! You guys are the best!" Abby was all over Mino. She couldn't get off him. Made me a bit jealous. I wish she would see me like she sees Mino.
"Calm down or I will tell Mino to leave." I told her.
"Okay. I'll calm down. And I'm sorry for acting this way Mino but ever since I first saw your debut stage I fell in love with you. You are so perfect in every way." she said.
"Thank you. Your good looking too." Mino said and smiled.
"Omg! Did Mino just say I'm good looking?!" she got all excited.
"Yah! I told you to calm down!" I yelled at her.
"Its okay. She's a fan so let her fangirl over me." Mino said and laughed.

SONG COUSINS (Mino and Gunhee)Where stories live. Discover now