Chapter 27: Almost Raped

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It was 5:00pm and I was done with work. I was getting my stuff ready to leave when I got a text from #Gun.

"Hey Abby. I just got done with practice right now. We finished early because we were all doing a good job so Giriboy let us leave early. So if your still here I could go wig shopping with you."
"I was getting ready to leave but I'm still here. Meet me at the lobby?"
"Kay. I'm actually in the lobby already so I'll just wait for you here. But just don't try to scare me like last time because I will end up scaring you instead."
"K. I won't. Be there in a few minutes."

I was actually already done getting all my stuff but I decided to go to the bathroom. Once I got to the bathroom I went straight to the mirror. I have to check how I look. I fixed my hair a bit. I reapplied my lipstick. Reapplied my mascara. Put some eyeliner and some blush. All done with makeup. Now what should I do with my outfit? I took off my pantyhose so my legs would show. I was wearing a black pencil skirt and I lifted it up a bit more. Then I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my white shirt. Wait...why am I doing all this? Am I trying to look good for #Gun? I don't even know anymore...

I opened the door to the bathroom to leave but I hit my face on something...or someone. I looked up and saw Donghyun. He had a smirk on his face. "Who you trying to look good for? Me?" "No! What the fuck! Move!" "I'm not gonna let you leave looking like that so another guy can enjoy you." He pushed me in the bathroom and locked the door with the both of us inside. "What do you want? I'm late and I have to meet someone." "What do I want? If I tell you will you give me what I want?" "No." "Then why should I tell you. How bout I just do what I want?" He started getting closer to me and I started getting scared. He pushed me against the wall and pinned his arms around me. I tried to push him off but he was too strong. He pressed his lips against mine and started kissing me. I bit his lips hard and that made him mad. He pulled away from the kiss and I saw that his lips were bleeding. He touched his lips and looked at his hand. "You made me bleed! You bitch! Now your gonna pay for it!" He ripped my shirt off and was pulling at my skirt trying to get it off. I kept on struggling trying to get away from him but I was just too weak. Donghyun was finally able to get the skirt off me but at that moment there was knocking on the door. "Abby are you in there?!" It was #Gun's voice! "Yes! I'm in here! Help please! Donghyun is in here trying to rape me!" I heard kicking in the door. #Gun was trying to break in the door. After a few loud kicks finally the door flew open and in came #Gun. He went to Donghyun and pulled him off me. And #Gun punched Donghyun in the face. He was about to punch him more but I pulled #Gun off Donghyun. "Stop please! You can get in trouble! And I don't want you to get in trouble! Lets just leave!" "But this guy deserves a good beating! And I can't let him get away with this!" "No! Please just don't! If you get in trouble then I will feel guilty about it!" "But look at what that bastard did to you!" "He did nothing! All he got to do was take off my clothes! He didn't get a chance to do anything cuz thankfully you got here just in time! So please lets just leave! I don't want to be here anymore!" "Fine then. But first we have to get some clothes on you." He looked in his backpack that he had with him. He pulled out some clothes and handed them to me. "Put these on. They are the extra change I always bring with me. They will fit you big but its better than nothing." I took the clothes and went inside a bathroom stall to change. I put on the clothes. It was a white t-shirt and some black sweatpants. They fit me big but it was better than nothing. I got out the stall and went straight to hug #Gun. "Thank you for saving me Gun. You are always saving me and I will always be thankful for that. I'm lucky to have someone like you around." "I will always be there for you Abby. And I will save you everytime you need saving." "Thank you." I hugged him even tighter. "I texted Mino and told him we couldn't do the makeover tonight. We will do it another day." "But I'm fine. We could still do the makeover." "No. You need to rest." "But being alone right now will only make me want to cry and think about what almost happened with Donghyun." "You won't be alone. I will be with you. So let's go to your dorm so you can rest." "Thank you."


We took a taxi and headed to my dorm. The whole ride I had my arms around #Gun and I layed my head on him. I felt safe being with him. And the whole ride he stroked my hair.

Once we got to the dorms #Gun paid the taxi driver and got off first. He then reached his hand out to me and helped me out. And he kept holding my hand as we walked to my dorm.

We were about 30feet from my dorm when we saw a body crouched down outside my door. "Who is that? Where you expecting someone?" #Gun asked. "I don't know. I wasn't expecting anyone today." "Let me go check who it is first. You stay here." He let got of my hand and went to where the body was. I saw them talking for a few seconds. Then that body stood up and walked towards me. As the body got closer I saw it was Taehyun. "What are you doing here Taehyun? You never told me you were coming over today." "I know. I wanted to surprise you. I rented a movie and wanted to watch it with you. Its in Spanish so I thought it would be a good movie to watch with my tutor that is teaching me Spanish." "But I'm with #Gun right now..." "Well he can watch it with us. I only rented this movie for tonight and I really wanted to watch it with you." "Kay. But let me first ask #Gun if he is okay with it." I walked over to #Gun who was still outside my door. "I wasn't expecting Taehyun to be here today but he said he rented a movie and that he wants to watch it with me. So you want to watch a movie? I would feel better if I had two of my best friends with me. The more the merrier right?" "Sure. Whatever you want." I called Taehyun over and he came rushing to us.

The TV was in my bedroom so we would have to watch the movie on my bed...all three of and two guys I my dorm...alone with them...

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