Chapter 25: Confrontation

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***********#GUN'S POV***********

I think I know what Abby wants to talk to me about. Mino told me what happened last night and that Abby wants to meet with him and Jinwoo today. Mino thinks Abby already knows about him being gay. I just hope Abby won't be too mad at Mino and that she will keep his secret. It was me who asked Mino to date her so I'm the one to blame and I will take all responsibility for my actions.

We got to the recording room. I opened the door and let Abby in first, then I locked the door. "Is this about Mino?" "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about Mino." " know..." I couldn't get myself to say it. "That Mino is gay? Yes, I know. I found out yesterday when I saw Mino and Jinwoo kissing. But I want to know why you didn't tell me Mino was gay and why Mino dated me." "I'm sorry Abby. This is all my fault. Please don't be mad at Mino. I asked him to date you." "You asked him to date me? Why would you do that?" "Because I knew what was going on between you and Donghyun. And I saw the way he treated you. And I couldn't let him keep treating you that way." "You knew about me and Donghyun? How?" "Well I always sensed something was wrong with your relationship with Donghyun. So one day I followed you guys and I heard the both of you talking about this deal. And since Mino was the only one that could get you out of your relationship, I asked him to date you. So if you want to be mad at someone I understand but be mad at me and not at Mino." "Well I actually have a confession to make..." "What is it?" "I actually sorta became your friend because I knew you were Mino's cousin and I had wanted to ask you to introduce me to Mino. So I'm also guilty here." "So you only became my friend because you wanted to meet Mino?" "Yes. But then I started knowing you more and then I really did want to be your friend." "Well if your really my friend will you do something for me?" "What is it?" "Will you keep this a secret?" "Yea. I'll keep it a secret." "Thank you so much Abby." "But could you also do something for me?" "Yea. Anything. What is it?" "Will you go with me to meet Mino and Jinwoo today during lunch?" "Sure." "Well I'm glad everything is cleared up now. Good thing is that I hadn't yet fallen in love with Mino or else I would of been mad about all this. So you should consider yourself lucky. And you should thank Taehyun too." "Thank Taehyun? Why?" "Because he was the one that warned me about Mino and told me not to fall in love with Mino." "Why would he say that?" "Because he knows about Mino and Jinwoo." "He knows?! Since when?!" "Relax. He won't tell anyone. I don't know since when he has known but I do know that he has been keeping this secret for a while and that he won't tell anyone." "Oh. Okay." "I have to get back to work now. Don't forget about meeting me for lunch." she started walking towards the door. "Kay. I'll wait for you in the lobby when its lunchtime." She left and shut the door.

I wish I could of told Abby the real reason why I asked Mino to date her. That reason being because I like her. But I don't feel like I'm good enough to confess to her yet. I'm not doing so good with the competition in No.Mercy right now. So I feel like I should first work hard to make myself better. And then once I feel like I've become better is when I will confess to Abby...


************ABBY'S POV************

I wanted #Gun to go with me to meet Mino and Jinwoo because he was involved in this situation. I wasn't mad at Mino so I wasn't gonna meet him with bad intentions. But I did want to talk to both Mino and Jinwoo about their realtionship. I feel like it two people love eachother nothing should come in between them. And I think people should be able to date who they like freely. I know Mino and Jinwoo aren't "normal people", they are idols. I understand that they have to be more careful about their personal life but I wanted to help them out. And if possible I would like to find a solution for them. I've always liked helping people out with their relationship problems. I know my own relationships aren't good but thats what makes me more experienced on this matter.


It was time for lunch so I went to the lobby to meet #Gun. When I got there I saw him standing near the exit door. I don't think he saw me though so I decided to scare him from behind. I started walking carefully making sure not to make any noise or be noticed. Then once I was about two feet from him I was ready to jump on him but before I did he turned around and jumped at me. I wanted to scare him but he ended up scaring me. "Hey! No fair! I was gonna scare you but you ended up scaring me! How did you know I was behind you?! I thought I was being quiet enough so you wouldn't know I was here!" "I could smell your perfume." "How you know what my perfume smells like?" "I know EVERYTHING about you Abby." "Well that sounds creepy. Now give me a piggyback ride since you scared me!" I jumped on his back. "Kay but hold on tight." He put my arms around his neck and he hold my legs up. Good thing I was wearing jeans today.

He headed towards the door. But he couldn't open it since he was holding on to my legs. But then Jooheon came from behind and opened the door for us. "Cute couple. So are you both dating now?" My face turned red. Then I heard a laughter from nearby and I turned my head and saw that it was Yoonho. "Hyung and noona are both red like tomatoes!" "Thats because Abby is heavy." #Gun said. "Hey! I am not heavy! I only weigh 96 pounds!" I hit him on the head. "Ouch. Why you do that?" "Because you said I was fat!" "I didn't say you were fat! I said you were heavy! Theres a difference!" "No theres not! They both mean the same!" "Don't listen to Gun. You are not fat Abby. Gun is just weak. I'll carry you. Get on my back." It was Wonho. He had just gotten here. I got off #Gun's back and walked to Wonho. "Hey! No fair! I wanna carry noona too!" It was I'M who had came with Wonho. "Well too bad cuz I'm stronger since I lift weights. Just look at all my muscles." Wonho lifted up his shirt and sticked out his tounge at I'M. "Sorry Changkyun but I'll go with Wonho. I would feel safer with him since he is the strongest out of the traiees." I climbed on Wonho's back. "Where to?" he said. "Just out to the street. We're getting a cab." "Okay." #Gun opened the door and Wonho walked out carrying me. Once we got to the street Wonho let me down. "Thanks." "No problem." Wonho called out a cab for us and me and #Gun got on. "Why didn't you just tell him to piggyback you all the way to the cafe? The cafe is nearby. We're just wasting money on the cab." "Because then he would find out we were meeting with Mino and Jinwoo." "Well then you should of just let me piggyback you. Wonho isn't that much stronger than me." #Gun sounded so jealous that it made me laugh. "Why you laughing?" "Because you sound like your jealous. But if you want a body like Wonho all you have to do is work out" "I am not jealous of Wonho's body. I'm jealous because...because..." "Jealous of what then?" "Nothing. Now lets get off. We're here already." He paid the cab driver, got off and opened the door for me.

I was disappointed. I really thought he was gonna say that he was jealous because he liked me. I guess I'll just have to wait longer for him to confess to me. But why was I so disappointed? Was I really starting to like #Gun more?

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