Chapter 46: Date For Three

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The next morning I woke up at 7. The first thing I did was check my cellphone. I had a text from Donghyuk. "We'll be going to a baseball game today at 1. So make sure to wear sunblock and comfortable clothing." A baseball game? Seriously? Ugh. I hate sports. They are boring. But I guess if YG wants us to be seen by many people then this would be the best place for that. Oh well. At least I get to see #Gun today.

Since it was still early I decided to go back to sleep. I set my alarm for 9. So two more hours of sleep for me. Once my alarm went on I woke up and took a shower. Then I looked through my drawers and closet for comfortable clothing. I've never been to a baseball game so I don't really know what to wear. But I decided on a white t-shirt, light denim skinny jeans, and my red Converse. I looked through my stuff but I didn't have any sunblock so I went next door to iKON's dorm to ask if they have any sunblock. Bobby opened the door and once inside I found a huge mess all over the place. It was total chaos. Typical of guys. Bobby went to go call Donghyuk and he came out of his room. He was wearing a red baseball cap, a baseball shirt and jeans. "Seems like your all ready." I said. "And you too. But your missing one thing." He went back to his room and brought out a red baseball cap just like the one he had on. "Here." He put the cap on me. "Thanks. But I'm actually missing something else." "What is it?" "Sunblock. Do you guys have any?" "We actually ran out so I was gonna go over to WINNER's dorm and ask them. They usually have everything." "Oh okay. But are they awake right now?" "Yeah. It's 10am so of course they'll be awake. C'mon let's go." We went over to WINNER's dorm. Donghyuk knocked and Taehyun opened the door. But as soon as Taehyun saw us he shut the door. "Who is it?" I heard Seungyoon ask Taehyun. "Go find out for yourself." A few seconds later the door opened and it was Seungyoon. "Sorry about the maknae's rude behavior. I guess he still isn't over you two dating. So what can I help you two with?" "Do you guys have any sunblock?" I asked. "Yeah. Just wait a second, I'll go get it." Seungyoon went back inside and came out with a tube of sunblock lotion. "Thank you. We'll just go put it on and then bring it back to you once we're done." "No problem."

Donghyuk and I went to my dorm and put on the sunblock. And once we were done Donghyuk went back to WINNER's dorm to return the sunblock. Meanwhile I told Donghyuk I was gonna start making breakfast for the both of us. I had told Donghyuk before that I will make him some Mexican breakfast so thats what I was gonna do. It's a very simple thing but I made us some birote con mantequilla y chocolate caliente. Once Donghyuk came back he started sniffing the air. "Smells good. What is it?" "It's birote con mantequilla y chocolate caliente." "Say what?" "It's basically just a type of bread with butter and hot chocolate. The chocolate is imported from Mexico though so it has a bit of a different taste from normal hot chocolate. I think it tastes better. This is a very simple breakfast but it's very yummy. Next time I'll make you something better though." "Sounds good. Thanks." We sat down and started eating. I dipped my birote in my chocolate and Donghyuk looked at me weird. "What are you doing?" He asked. "It looks nasty but try it. It's good." Donghyuk dipped his birote in his chocolate and then took a bite out of it. "It's good!" He said. "I told you. We do this because the chocolate is too hot so this way we can start eating." "Now that's smart."

We quickly finished our breakfast. And by the time we finished cleaning up it was 10:45. We still had two hours left before we had to be at the baseball game. "What do you wanna do while we wait?" Donghyuk asked. "I don't know. What do you want to do?" "I don't know." He shrugged. "Well...I actually don't know anything about baseball so maybe you could teach me?" "Sure. Let's turn on the tv. There's probably a rerun of a baseball game. We can watch a game and I'll be explaining to you what's going on." "Thanks." "No problem." Donghyuk grabbed the tv remote and looked through the sports channels. There was a baseball game on. I think it was from last week. As we watched the game Donghyuk kept on explaining to me everything that was going on. And by the time the game was over I knew everything there was to know about baseball. Also by the time the game was over it was already time for us to leave. It was 12:15 and it was a 30 minute drive to get there. And of course we have to get there a few minutes before. But before we left I went to my room to get the sunglasses and couple rings I had bought the day before. "Here. I bought these for us to wear when we go out." I handed Donghyuk one of the sunglasses. "Thanks. Their cool. I like them." He smiled and put them on. "How do I look? Do I look good?" "Of course." "Good. Cuz we gotta take some selcas today. YG told me to post some pics on my Instagram. So say cheese!" Donghyuk took out his cellphone and took a photo of both of us with our matching sunglasses on. We came out good so Donghyuk quickly posted it on Instagram.


We left on one of YG's car. And on our way we picked up #Gun. He was wearing a black baseball cap, white t-shirt, dark denim jeans, and black converse. Similar to my outfit but just some different colors. Once we got to the stadium it was 12:50 and there was still a big line to get in. Luckily we had V.I.P tickets so we didn't have to form in line. We were able to quickly take our seats. From left to right it was #Gun, Donghyuk, and me. I wish I could sit next to #Gun but YG had said for Donghyuk to sit in between us. But before the game started Donghyuk needed to go to the bathroom so that left me and #Gun alone for a few minutes. And that was the perfect time to give #Gun the ring. I didn't want to give the ring to #Gun while Donghyuk was around cuz that would probably just be uncomfortable to Donghyuk. So I quickly took out the ring from my pocket and slid it in #Gun's hand. "What is it?" #Gun asked. "It's a couple ring. I bought them for me and you." I showed him my hand which I was wearing the ring. "But we're not oficially a couple yet. Remember your still with Donghyuk." He said. "I know but this is also sorta like a promise ring. A ring that will symbolize our promise to be together someday. A promise of our love." "Then if that's the case I'll start wearing it from now on." He put it on and smiled. "Do you like it?" I asked. "Yes. But I wish that I could of been the one to had given you a ring instead. But someday I'll give you a ring. And not just a couple ring or a promise ring but a ring that will symbolize so much more. That I promise you." At that moment Donghyuk came back and he started taking selcas of the three of us together. And once he was done taking them he posted them on Instagram. #Gun also had an Instagram so he also took some selcas and posted them. And both Donghyuk and #Gun tagged me on the photos. Within a few seconds the photos started getting comments and likes. Then I got on my Instagram and the number of my followers was growing! Some fans were commenting that they were also at the game and that they hoped to see us.

Once the game started Donghyuk and #Gun had stopped taking selcas and started paying attention to the game. I also watched. But even though I knew about baseball now it was still boring to me. I wish we could had gone somewhere else. I was starting to fall asleep when all of a sudden I saw a ball coming at me! I didn't have enough time to react but Donghyuk had quickly jumped in front of me and got hit by the ball instead of me. And it was all caught in camera and being shown on the big screen. "Ladies and gentlemen it seems that someone has just gotten hit by the ball! And that someone seems to be Donghyuk from iKON! He is with his girlfriend Abby and their friend #Gun! And apparently it seems that Donghyuk jumped in when the ball was about to hit his girlfriend! What a good boyfriend he is for taking a hit for his girlfriend! Now can the girlfriend give her prince a kiss for saving her?" My eyes widened when I heard the word kiss. And the crowd started cheering "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" I didn't know what to do. I felt pressured. I took a look at #Gun and then stood up. The crowd continued "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" I took a look at Donghyuk and I think he knew that I didn't want to kiss him so he just turned his cheek at me and I kissed him on the cheek.

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