♠️ PROLOGUE: To Bribe, is to Turn

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It was dusk that covered the sky. Somewhere in Las Almas after bombing the oil rig with Hassan's own missile, laid the conversation of Shadow Commander, Phillip Graves and Lieutenant General, Shepherd.

"...But sir! Those people are my only accomplices, and if I ever leave them for the sake of your crazy actions then..." He stops for a second, taking a deep sigh as he feels the unpleasant stare of Shepherd laying upon him. It felt so uncomfortable, but he just had to be himself in this moment because he really appreciates the amount of company that 1-4-1 gave him during their time of missions together.

"...I would lose my only friends." He considers them his actual friends.

Shepherd pauses for a moment as he closes his eyes in a way to take a breather. He seemed very disappointed in Graves for growing feelings with people that he'll never be forever together with. It was a funny thought for the vile man. Graves doesn't know what he's hiding in his mysterious and ill mind.

"You are ridiculous," he spat as if he was about to laugh but is trying to keep everything together. "Do you really think they'll ever stay with you? We've already caused so much suspicion between them for losing the missiles, and this is how you think of them!?"

He shouted at the shorter man, he looked extremely guilty and feels like he would throw up at any moment because of how valid those statements were. But it still doesn't mean he would let go the opportunity to not betray them... will he?


"SILENCE!" Graves jumped at that cold shouting. Reminds him of how he was treated in the past.

The cold lieutenant sighs as he stands up from his chair, looking at the view of Las Almas.

"Graves... The moment to ditch them is highly anticipated, ya' know? They are on our trail since they're probably already trying to investigate on how the missiles were lost, and we wouldn't want to come out on an awkward note."

Graves inhaled the air, it reeked of tundra and coffee smoke that was on Shepherd's desk. The cold atmosphere made him shiver due to the amount of energy both men are radiating. It was the polar opposite for either, which makes it even more obnoxious as it is to Shepherd. He had thought opposite for what Graves would think, because he knows the number of times that man spent with the task force he allied himself with. Or maybe not? If he did then he would've agreed, or else it is a different reason.

"Listen," Shepherd looks back to Graves, who was standing with his head low, gun stuck to his front holding it on its grip and buttstock. Those words made Graves shoot his head up quickly and arranges his posture while also trying to keep a straight face without thinking of 1-4-1 because apparently, his lieutenant doesn't want that. "I want you..."

The next words haunted Graves' thoughts.

"...To backstab 1-4-1." What?? This motherfucker is crazy as hell, he thought. After everything they've been through?

"What?!" His words inflicted with the poison and shock that Shepherd gave him. It was horrific to him because he doesn't just want to betray them out of spite or anything. He actually cared for them, to the point he thinks he has a brotherly relationship with a few of them.

He wasn't worried about the betrayal. He's worried about the outcome after it. No more interactions, and no more friends.

"S-Shepherd, I cannot just do that out of nowhere! We built trust, and I want this trust to be the longest one I have." There he goes, using his lieutenant's name, that's a level of disrespect. No. Desperation.

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