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Everybody was in their spot as they watched the whole base be burned starting from the top. The amount of destruction they caused on such a small building was heavy, but that didn't matter because of the fact that Shepherd was here. They all thought that if they kill Shepherd right here and now, then every shadow who was still alive would have no leader left and that would force them into either disbandment or to rally at a different outpost.

But really, they had no more leader left. That made them clueless.

Moments later, Ghost had turned on his transmitter for everybody to hear as he's eradicated almost every shadow in the burning base, "All stations, I have killed all the remaining shadows inside Shadow Outpost 1. Base is on the process of being left to ruin – fucking hell."

He continued through the transmitter, "Regroup at the front. We have to see our casualties."

Ghost parted from communications as everyone immediately rallies at one spot near the front of the base.


Ghost was the first to arrive at the front of the base so that they can see where he was. They should find it obvious because Ghost always wore dark colors for his attire, not just for being incognito but also to let the team be more familiar with his figure.

He then catches sight of two figures in the distance – Price and Gaz as the lieutenant carried his captain towards the spot. Price was surprisingly getting better despite still having the wound on display with the stained cloth around it – well, not really. But at least the man could express emotions quite clearly now after relaxing for a while.

"Are you okay, captain?" Ghost asked towards the incoming but near pair. Price replied, "What? You think... a bullet could stop this man from living?"

Ghost chuckled through his balaclava as he looks towards Gaz with an emotionless expression, "Make sure to keep him treated in the infirmary back at base, alright?"

"I will, Ghost."

The masked man nods back as they all catch another glimpse of two people in the distance coming from the side of the phase – Alejandro and Rodolfo.

The two men walked together in the same rhythm as they were also quite close to each other, their height difference making it even more ridiculous as it is. Funny, because the others don't know what happened back there after they completed their phase.

"Aye, amigos." Alejandro spewed out towards the group as Rodolfo heads towards Price and Gaz, trying to also assist the captain but just chills there with a hand on Price's back.

"Are we complete?" Ghost asked.

Not quite, Ghost.

"...Didn't captain ask Soap to come back up and help Graves...?" Gaz blurted out, assuming that Ghost had heard the news already – no.

"WHAT?" He shouts towards Gaz as he looks towards Price. "WHY JOHNNY?"

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