CHAPTER VII: Mission Entitled

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Nikolais continued pursuing the path that they have to take in order to rescue Graves. This mission started off as a scrap scavenging mission, and it slowly turned to a mission to save Graves. He wondered if the Russian captain would be mad at them both for not returning after a while. But that wasn't his concern because first, he needed Graves back and second, he's got Shogun as a witness. It was already off the hook.

This mission was entirely alternated. Completely entitled to save Graves.

They constantly ran through the hollow atmosphere of night, the breeze of emptiness but cold brushed past them as they take each step towards the outpost. Nikolais knew that Graves needed him, he just felt it for no reason as he also thinks of this mission that was completely renewed by him. He had no permission nor authority to do so, but to do the right thing – you must always bend.

Nikolais felt it. The drops of rain that took a little poke on his helmet. It was bound to rain sooner because the temperature was humid and discrete from the ones they normally sense. Having rain means good as they could get a constant reminder to stay on the right tracks, but that also means to hide one's footsteps in the concrete.

Shortly after rummaging through the dusk, Nikolais found an open spot. There it was, the outpost.

In the middle of the open field, lied a fenced out two-story complex that had a tower on guard. Nikolais quickly set his soldiers down and prepared to assassinate any nearby threats around the outpost.

He was bored, and had the idea of having a radio-conversation with Shogun as he does the mission. Having a voice monitor him was better than knowing you're alone with a few soldiers.

"Shogun?" He asked through the transmitter, was able to catch the watcher's attention as he replied back.

"Enzo... What now?" He sounded frustrated.

"I have nothing to do besides saving my peer from the danger that lurks within this complex. Care to chat with me?" His Russian accent blended well with the sentences he spoke. He can really speak actual English now just by listening to Graves in the span of three days before being assigned to a scavenging mission.

"Affirmative. What's up?"

"Nothing, but the black sky." He gets a laugh from Shogun through the transmitter.

"You do jokes?"

"I don't. I was simply stating what was up."

"I didn't mean that."

"I know you didn't." He was messing around with Shogun.

"Uggghh... Anyways, do tell me more about the situation."

"Sure. Two on standby next to the gate, one watching over by the tower, and two or... three communicating from the fence's interior."

"Ah. Fascinating. Let me try and help."


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