EXTRA CHAPTER II: From Rodolfo, To Soap

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Soap carefully held the letter in his hand, preparing himself for what he was about to read as he returned to his room without question. He didn't give himself time to prepare, so whatever was coming, was sure to damage him.

He sat on his bed and proceeded to observe the letter carefully as it was losing its original color.

There was a tulip of the color yellow, dry and pressed on the seal. He gulped just by opening the letter as he braced himself for reading it.

There came a note that he held between his fingers as he carefully set his eyes on the first word.


Hey hermano, this is one of the letters I am currently writing to each and every single one of you in the team including Alejandro, my amor. Well, I hope he's still my amor soon enough. I'm planning to confess to him, when the time's right. (don't tell him this, please. I beg of you, hermano.)

Anyways, if you're reading this, something terrible might've happened to me and please know this is a letter full of words I would say to you confidently and happily because I'm not there to say these things to you, and trust me, I don't want to. At all. I'd rather just keep it all to myself, but then I'd think... maybe I should've just said to you sooner. Ehhh, just... read this properly for me, please hermano.

...I know that I may sound a bit dramatic, but I honestly wish that we could've spent more time together as buddies in what we are fighting for. I know this is not some usual military shit we're doing as we may be approaching the end of times, but knowing us, I know we can do it. I hope that I'll live after it too. I will fight for you. Remember that, Soap. I'm not only protecting and risking my life for Las Almas, but I'm doing it, just because I know a few guys that fight for the things they love as well.

It's crazy really, that everything happened so fast after we... did that to Graves a while back. Damn, that serves that pendejo right for being a dipshit. Haha. Sorry for my language, but I still cannot believe we both did that to him. It never leaves my mind really, because I was with you, and I felt your anger rushing through you. Not only were you using that to neutralize Graves, but you knew that you were protecting the people as well.

And since we were both the ones trying to get rid of Graves, I like to think that you wanted to protect me. Just for the sake of brotherhood.

Soap, hermano, please promise me one thing, okay? It's not too big, but not too little as well.

Grow and get a new fucking haircut already...

Hahahahaha... I'm just kidding. I love your hair. It suits you a lot, and I adore you for being a champion rocking it.

But anyway, what I meant to write was, live it up. Live for the hope of knowing that, there's people you should protect. Keep on believing, Soap. Please know that I love you, always.

Rudy :)"

Soap didn't even notice that his tears were already staining the page. He was that focused on reading the man's last words to him, or what could've been the words he needed to hear before.

He laid his head low as he sobs quietly at the letter's regards from Rudy, embracing the comfort and sorrow that comes with it. He gave in multiple laughs while reading it when it mentioned some jokes and sarcasm, and also the lines about Graves. Well, certainly, he's still on one piece which Soap found ironic.

That was when he knew it was written a while back. There were so many unsaid words that Rudy could've told him after they 'successfully' neutralized Graves.

Soap took his sweet time to calm himself down as he took a few deep breaths to reset his composure. He looked at the letter with tear-filled eyes and with a gentle smile.

"I miss you a lot, Rudy..." He whispered to himself so gently. "I wish you could've told me everything."

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