CHAPTER XLIV: Misfortune's Portrayal of Loss

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It felt like a whole parade with a sea of sentinels behind the four military comrades that were on the front, leading them as if they were shepherds herding a whole flock of sheep. The surges of adrenaline coursed throughout every single figure as they approach the final frontier – still absolutely clueless of what will happen next. Fortunately, thanks to Ghost for his past massacre, the hallway they roamed was mostly empty, to the point it felt like a ghost town – empty and eerie.

But that didn't matter, because they were still determined to find Price anyway, eventually coming across an intersection leading to the left, right and the hard north. All of them stopped, baffled by how were they going to find the correct way in order to be successful in this mission. Luckily for the all of them, Graves had memorized his drawing from before, the immense knowledge that had jolted in his mind.

'In the north sector, there's three more hallways that branches out into different sections, but keep in mind that- the only right way is to keep going straight. That's where the forbidden areas are located, and most likely, the areas that contain Price.'

The plan struck on his mind once more, giving a clear sign that the way is a hard straight, which led to a more darker path. They eventually continue walking, and by the time most of the sentinels were across the intersection, gunshots were heard coming from both the left and right hallways, that had picked them off one by one, most sentinels retaliating by shooting back at the unexpected threats.

"What the!?" Graves exclaimed, turning his whole body back as he couldn't see further from the huge group of sentinels, but could've sworn that they were slowly being ravaged.

"Sir! We'll take cover for you! Rescue your captain!" One of the recruits had exclaimed, eventually turning back in order to fight the unknown threats, influencing the other sentinels to do the same as well.

"Let's go." Graves looked at the three, spoken with a faint voice. He had to leave his sentinels for a while, but trusted them to the fullest that they could handle all the enemies that ambushed them, given how they have strong and capable guns that were on their grasps. Even if he had negativity at mind, he knew that his sentinels were stronger than these Russians. That was the purpose of The Sentinel Order in the first place, to help. And to Graves' first impressions, that implemented rule that rubbed off a valiant recruit of his, which made him internally happy knowing that they're slowly trusting him as a leader.

However, he put this aside for now and just ran through the semi-dark hallway that barely had any lights, and it looked abandoned as well.

In the very start, Graves wasn't allowed to go beyond the north sector because of the fact that it had restrictions, despite him being very well-trusted here before. He assumed that Dmitri was hiding very dark secrets beyond the sector, so dark that he, himself had chosen to hide it among the same ethnicity that he had led probably throughout the months. To Graves, that thought was absolutely mortifying, but couldn't care less as he thinks that he contained Price in one of these forbidden doors.

To his best guess, it was probably a more high-security area than what the previous jail-block had offered. To the point where, it would be a chamber, exclusively to keep Price jailed and hostage behind unknown coverage. That was just the very tip of the iceberg – now that they've delved deeper, enters even more secrets and areas to be disclosed.

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