CHAPTER XXXVI: Playing With Fate, With the Interest of No Return

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After being told the news, both lieutenants sat and relaxed next to Soap for the next couple of minutes just to give the poor unconscious body comfort. Soap couldn't feel it, but they both knew, that he could- and that's ­what mattered the most. The truth about a friend's sudden departure, is that it hurts, without a doubt. It just haunts you for the rest of your life until you get the strength to just forget it and just move on. However, that's impossible because that friend had given you everything that you didn't know you, yourself, deserved. Soap gave his everything away to the team, his smiles – laughs – comfort – presence – assistance, and the best one out of them all – his warm heart.

A heart so warm could only drag the unfortunate events with it, being able to be stopped by the endless pursuit of darkness and toxicity, but he chose to ignore it – leading to this.

A heart so warm, that it burned brightly until the flames almost dried out. That was the case with Soap – his heart was still burning, and it wasn't supposed to burn, because he's practically unconscious, right?

The machine tells otherwise – Soap was still alive.

The only difference is that- he's not waking up anytime soon.

Only the good people deserve to be treated unfairly, it states- and it was true. People with good intentions only lead themselves to even more conflict for themselves, and that it would cause more harm than good. Johnny never meant to cause more harm, but he couldn't help himself. He couldn't save himself. He couldn't live for himself.

He lived for the team. His soul was one with the team, giving all his absolute best to make stationary wills a shot, changing the fate's tide, opening up to the happiest of endings. This wasn't happy at all, and everybody knew, but that's why stupidity can be such a touching departure.

They were stupid, so stupid to the point that it had led them to such a courageous passing.

No regrets left behind – it was only the body, and the casket left open to be buried deep in the grounds of the Earth.


After finishing their sentiments, they had departed from the infirmary and went over to the meeting table, waiting for Ghost to arrive as he was still on the process for scouting the base to see if there are any hostiles around, without the knowledge that a few medics had come back and cleaned up the horrid, rotting dead bodies of the recruits.

Graves grasped a large sheet of paper, able to conquer and balance to the table's size, making way for an empty visualization that was set on the furniture. Graves had gone over to the side once again in order to grab a pen, eventually layering out the Russian base, with the immense knowledge of the rooms that he knew. Staying with Nikolais and Gryffin was a good choice, because now, he has the wits to map out the entire base, for Gaz and Ghost to see as well.

"What's this?" Gaz asked as he drags his hand along the sheet, meeting ends with Graves as he kept drawing out the rooms and hallways.

"I'm mapping the Russian base, so both of you have a clear visualization of the upcoming break in."

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