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Here you are! You've finally finished the book, and I absolutely love and thank you for reading. This was one of my major projects in mind, and just thinking about writing this theory into an actual book actually fueled my motivation in doing so, and that's why I was able to write this for free in order to showcase my writing style to others! 

Words simply cannot express how much I am thankful for you to read this until the very end. Believe me, it's exhausting to read a book that needs a lot of reading time in order to finish, so I proudly standby with you on that matter. Once again, I am super, super, SUPER THANKFUL for your reading, dear reader! I'm happy you could get the motivation and thrill to read this until the very end. I appreciate it, dearly.

Thank you. That's all I could honestly say, and I don't regret giving you the freedom to read this book as I cherish your will in doing so! 

I repeat once more and lastly, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, for reading this book.

Hope to see you again, dear reader! 


REDEMPTION (Rd) started off as pure imagination to what I incorporated Graves' future to be, in which I based that future from fan theories that, he is still alive and he survived the demolition. So of course, as a Graves enthusiast, I had decided to finally get the motivation back to write in order to give you all a promising book to read just from my pure imagination!

I love the idea of Graves being given a second chance to redeem himself, simply because some other fan theories state that Shepherd had threatened or blackmailed him in doing so, which resulted in his sudden betrayal to the team. And his will of redeeming himself only pushed him hard enough to do so, because he cares for the team so much. I believe that Graves deserved at least a second chance, because I could just feel the bonding between everybody and him when they were doing missions together. Absolutely wholesome overall.

Even if you don't like Graves, I respect your opinion! Everybody has tastes in characters, and it's valid to despise some characters as well! Just don't go and attack a person who loves a character you hate, or that's literal tolerance, in which I don't support clearly.

Once again, thank you for reading. I love you, and stay safe as always! I'm always here if somebody needs a chat or anything, so just hit me up anytime if you're in the mood! ♥

- Lumiere :-)

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