CHAPTER XXXIX: Lieutenants' Surge

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The raid has officially started.

Gaz and Ghost ran through the gate of the Russian refuge, being greeted with the cold air inside as it merged with the desert's temperature, escaping due to the entrance being left open. That didn't matter too much, but it would cost their safety if it is kept closed, and it's no better if they leave it closed due to how they need to know if Graves succeeded.

That man didn't know if the lieutenants will succeed with the plan either, but with a little bit of hope, everything could work out the way they want it to work out.

"Gaz, I'll be ahead. Try to break the gate's system in order for it to stay lifted. We need to secure Graves' entrance- that is, if he'll still be coming."

Gaz nodded in distress, "Okay. Make sure to stay low as well. We don't want the higher authorities waking up, else we'll be detained and tortured."

"Sure." Ghost responded as he ran down the ramp, determined and holding his gun close to his chest, the crave for bloodshed and bullet hell that had influenced him to be more ruthless than ever. Even if it meant losing himself, he'd much rather save his captain and the colonel.

On the other hand, Gaz had stopped by on the gate's pad, desperately trying to pry it open. He eventually breaks the metal and rummages through the corresponding wires that had control over the gate's automatic opening system. He finds the source of the wires as he cuts them, making sure that the entrance would stay open, and so it did. After Gaz pulled away from the broken pad, the gate had stood afloat upon the thin crevice of the circular entrance. He took a deep breath as he heard the loud banging of gunshots coming from the center of the base.

Just by hearing the rhythm of the violent gunshots, he knew that Ghost was taking care of all the Russians inside – destroying them one by one, until it reached tens—hundreds and eventually, maybe even almost a thousand, but that was impossible since the base looked small from what Graves had drawn. They can clearly tell that it doesn't correspond to the estimated number.

After a while, the gunshots stopped, eventually transitioning into a sincere silence as Gaz finally took the chance to run down and assist Ghost on the matter. After reaching the edge of the ramp, he was greeted with the entrance of a wide circular area that had a pillar on the very middle with railings around it. He didn't look much into detail as he tried to find Ghost in the number of corpses that were laying around, blood just ruining the blue rave of aesthetic that engulfed the atmosphere of the base's interior.

Gaz tried to run while also ducking in case more Russians would try and ravage him again, but was dragged down by an unknown force beside barrels and boxes, and there he was met with Ghost once again, the look of bloodlust in his emotionless eyes.

"Ghost...? What the hell are you hiding behind here?"

"I needed to do something with my transmitter, otherwise, I'm okay."

"What's the transmitter for then?"

"I'm trying to get ahold of Graves, yet I couldn't because more Russians appeared just as soon as I thought I cleared the whole area."

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