CHAPTER XLII: The Founding of the Alter-Shadows

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Graves had got into his jeep and drove off into the first location he had on mind after minutes of both Gaz and Ghost's departure towards the Russian base. He hoped that his two co-lieutenants would perfectly execute the plan as he's using them both to bide himself time in order to convert the remaining shadows that had scattered into the different Shadow Outposts in Las Almas. Graves had figured that they would be a huge help in assisting the whole mission overall since they knew that they were fairly short in men not-thanks to Gryffin for killing most of their recruits.

The first location covered Shadow Outpost 2, in which he had high hopes that this would be the one base where they all retreated to considering that it's the next base to the now-ruined Shadow Outpost 1. Additionally, it was also one of the strongest bases they had before the first outpost, so it only makes sense that he traces all the shadow's footprints towards the second outpost. It was about time that he could be a commander again.

As he was driving, he also noticed the fact that no shadow was capable of achieving the General rank in the currently-abandoned Shadow Company and he felt like he wasn't deserving of the title either since he preferred to be only such a minor role in everything. Although, it was also about time that he would lead an army of shadows, preferably for the better since he had good intentions unlike Shepherd – who just probably used all of them for bait, only to keep his title safe as General. What pity does the dead old man hold?



He eventually arrives near the outpost, being stealthy but also straightforward because he needed to get all the shadow's attention at once if he ever wanted to convert and shape them into something even more relevant for the future. He strictly holds his rifle, and walks towards the outpost – ignoring the consequences as he kept on walking. Shortly after, a camera had picked up his familiar figure, in which it alerted the shadows from the interior, eventually having Graves surrounded by the black-dressed soldiers. He straps back the rifle unto his self as he raises both of his arms into the air, signaling a surrender and to also call truce for a moment.

"Phillip Graves! What the fuck are you doing here!?" One of the shadows exclaimed as he points his gun towards the lieutenant. Graves shared a look with the man as he gave off a neutral look displayed on his honest face, having to give signals that he wasn't here for an abrupt raid, massacre or anything.

"May I have this chance to talk with y'all fellas?" He slowly but surely said one-by-one, getting surrounded by whispers all around him in the dead of tomorrow, and the sun was practically rising at this point as the orange grow peeks from beneath the grounds. Eventually, the whispers stopped and mostly all of the shadows had laid her guns down, giving the man a chance to talk.

"State your purpose, you only have three minutes, Graves." The same soldier said to him, acting as if he's the boss. He's clearly not, but someone just had to be forcefully be that way in order to look threatening – and Graves knew because he was once the commander for all of them. He found it kind of endearing, yet didn't consider those feelings because it was a serious atmosphere.

"Okay," He nodded, clearing his throat and preparing himself for his speech towards the shadows that surrounded him. "So, as you may know, I was once the commander for the Shadow Company- well, it's clearly obvious if you were there under my time, but because of Shepherd... I was forcefully ratted out as the commander, eventually leading to my dead and having him move on as if I didn't matter."

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