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The Mexican Special Forces Duo – Alejandro Vargas & Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra

Both powerful individuals with the ability to properly communicate and cooperate with each other or with other people. Though, the most special thing about them both was their close friendship. They always cared for each other, from a young age until now as adults. They stuck with each other until the very moment, and would do anything just to stick together.

Alejandro saving Rodolfo from the fire caused by Hassan was a reason. Even if Alejandro knew it was risky, he risked it for the poor man being scorched – and was able to save him and get out safely before returning into refuge. He could remember all the blood from Rodolfo's face that night, and it horrified him every step he took carrying him by his shoulder.

He thought Rudy was dead.

Until this day, he could remember that incident and would do anything to prevent that from happening again. He could tell that wasn't the end, but Alejandro would do anything and he means anything – to protect Rodolfo from any harm.

Not as friends, not as brothers-in-arms...

But a way to protect his only world – an intimate blossom of feelings growing inside his heart.

Only for him.


Alejandro and Rudy ran in the alleyways and the taller man lead the way for the shorter man to follow along. It was dark and dusk, so they barely could see anything but luckily both of them bought flashlights – they were counted as some of the people who actually brought flashlights instead of night-vision goggles.

Eventually, they reach the area of the base, able to witness the glory and evil of the well-built structure as it was almost as big as a factory. Asides from Alejandro's opinion, the one thing that caught Rodolfo's sight was the fact that there was a helicopter on top of the roof, in which the base had two or three floors from what he can make out.

"Ale... there's a helicopter resting on the roof." He decides to tell the taller man about what he saw, which also catches Alejandro's notice as he spots the helicopter himself.

"Ah, shit. We have to tell the others about this so they know."

Afterwards, Alejandro opened his transmitter to send a notice towards everybody in the process of the operation. He could've just not told them, but this was an important factor considering Shepherd will use that opportunity to escape if he notices the chaos outside of the base. Even more so because of the fact that they didn't have any rocket launchers to deal with it.

"Team, there's a helicopter on the roof. We must obliterate it immediately."

"Copy that, Alejandro. On the process of contacting Laswell now, over." Price replied in a muffled and static voice before cutting off communications.

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