♠️ EPILOGUE: A Purpose to Live

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It has been a couple of months ever since Nikolais died.

Graves had moved on from the incident, but still couldn't believe that he was gone. The whole team had comforted the man, helping him get back up on his feet as they give him a couple of talks everyday starting from the mourning, up until now. And to Graves, that meant a lot, considering he had lost a part of him. Truly.

Although, since there was no more conflict in Las Almas anymore other than cartels and criminals, the team decided to part ways as 1-4-1 prepares to go back to Al Mazrah along with Graves, who was planning to go back to America in order to set up the base for The Sentinel Order, since he'll be taking over as their general from now on.

General Phillip "Graves" of The Sentinel Order.

It rang a bell.

Before the team could leave, they decided to spend their last day on Las Almas by setting up Rodolfo's funeral, as they were all distracted by conflict, even the medics who had been preparing his husk for the casket. It still didn't rot, which was good since everything had happened in the span of around three to four days, yet they still wanted a proper funeral for Rodolfo as most of them were leaving.

And so, the funeral had begun, sentinels gave their respects to the deceased Rodolfo as the whole team lifted up their condolences to both Alejandro and the Parra bloodline, even if they weren't here since they knew Rudy's death would also hurt them just as much as Alejandro ached that one night.

There weren't any priests to properly preach, so Price just decided to volunteer and note all of the good things that Rodolfo had done for the team, and the military itself as he carefully lists all the valor, the sweat and bloodshed he had done for them. The captain had put all his soul into that speech, because he wanted to be as respectful as possible to the deceased, even if he knew that he wasn't going to hear him at all.

Price tried not to cry during his speech, but failed to do so as little tears came down at random moments of respect. Although, nobody minded because they all understood the fact that one man could hold so much love to somebody that he loved, and it wasn't embarrassing at all, because in life, there is always going to be that someone with you, either temporary or until the bitter end – that'll stay with you. Staying for at least a reasonable amount of time, so that they could love and care for you.

Clearly, that speech had touched certain people.

After the funeral, all of the attendees had departed from the site as they went through their separate ways, but Graves wanted to talk with Alejandro before he left considering that he heard the truth from an old lover, perhaps.

"Hey, Ale..." He grasped the man's arm as he was about to leave their row of seats – Alejandro giving the man the light of day as he stayed for what he wanted to say.

"Yes, Graves?"

"I'm– still sorry for what happened to Rudy. I know that–"

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