EXTRA CHAPTER IV: From Rodolfo, To Gaz

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The lieutenant was a bit clueless on why he got a part in this whole letter thing. When Graves gave the letter to him at the beginning, he was in a mixed state of emotions since the main conflict with him was that–he wasn't close with Rudy at all. They would only talk once in a blue moon or when given the chance to. Hell, he wasn't even a priority to Gaz.

That mainly troubled him, but he just saved it for what he was about to read.

He went over to his room, and just sat on the chair in the corner of his room, carefully opening his letter up. He carefully removes the dry daisy pressed on his letter and proceeds to take out the note full of words.

Gaz took a deep breath before reading it to prepare himself. He was still baffled by the fact that Rodolfo took his time to write one for him too, but he thinks that he doesn't deserve it himself which really troubles him and sets his curiosity to read the letter even more.

And with that, he puts his eyes on the first set of words.


Hey hermano, so... this is a bit awkward since we're not really that close and we barely talk as well but still, I am not excluding you out of my letters. If you're confused, I am writing letters to everyone in the team, and it just so happens that you are the one of the last ones I need to write one to.

Now as mentioned, we... don't talk much and we're not really close either. It pains me to think that way, because I want to get closer to you. I want to feel like you're my hermano and I'm your hermano, and together, we can be hermanos! Eh... that isn't in awkward terms, of course. Haha.

I have heard a lot of you from Price. He says that you are such a champion and that you are his champion. Is it true? I hope it is. You sure do act soft when around him off-duty. It's as if both of you are... close? Well, obviously. I meant that both of you seem to be son and dad, but aren't. For what reason exactly? If anything, seeing your relationship with Price, both of you deserve to be happy together. But if you're not ready to be open about it to him, I understand. You are in the military after all, and it would only cause trouble between everybody knowing that Price has an important person to protect.

Then again, he also told me that he cares for you dearly, and that he would do anything just to get you out of trouble. He wasn't very direct with my question, but hearing that alone, I just knew he longs to have you as somebody he would care for in the future when he's a retired, old man who just wants to live his life.

Please don't think of me as a creepy person. I only used Price to get information about you, just because I'm a bit shy to talk to you personally. That's why I made these letters for everybody. It's full of unsaid words that I have kept to myself for so long, full of opinions and regards.

Sadly, I know a bit of your history because Price kind of overshared about you to me once. And, I'm sorry that happened to you. Nobody deserves that treatment, especially when you were just somebody who wanted to get work done. You weren't even in the military. You were just a cop, protecting those who deserved it.

If you need or want somebody to talk to, then approach me sometime. I don't mind chatting with you. (as long as I'm not the one approaching!)

Gaz, we are kind of strangers to each other, but I want to be strangers no more with you. Even if we are not close, somebody's got your back always, okay? I'm here anytime for you.

Most importantly, I love you, hermano.

Be a 'champion' always, okay?

Rudy :)"

(P.S. I forgot to say that, if you are reading this, then something... bad might've happened to me. And I pray to god that it doesn't affect you in any way. I'm sorry for setting the mood so low suddenly, but this is an emergency letter, and just know that, you deserved a spot in the letters. I swore to write to everybody, right? )

Gaz laughed to himself with multiple tears running down from his eyes to the cheeks of his face. He never thought that he would get this feeling of comfort and reassurance all at once by somebody who doesn't even exist anymore. It kills him knowing that Rudy wanted to be more than people who just talk.

"Rudy man... why did you not talk to me sooner?" He sobbed to himself silently, not wanting to be as vocal with his broken voice from the tears.

Gaz felt so heavy with the burdens on his mind. He felt so much regret, because he didn't spend most of his time with Rudy. He knows that it wasn't his fault to be feeling that way, but he couldn't help it. He was now carrying the weight that Rudy held for months, piling itself slowly and piece by piece on Gaz as he ran his hands on his head.

Between Gaz and Rodolfo, it explains the fact that there comes a somebody in your life that might be the person that you've always deserved–but you didn't do anything about it, and now they're gone sooner than you think. He blames himself for not being able to socialize with Rudy despite how awkward they were.

If he knew he'd had a worse fate ahead of him, he would've given him that chance.

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