CHAPTER XIV: Shifting Ties

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The sun rose from the horizon as its rays shine through Graves' window. The intense and vibrant color of orange lightening up his body as he wakes up slowly with tear filled eyes. He wanted his sleep to last longer, but he knew he had things to do before being deported into the operation sooner or later. He doesn't know when, but he's ready for it.

But for now, his goal for today was to talk with everybody on the base – specifically 1-4-1 and both Alejandro and Rodolfo. He wanted to clear the air with them and wants to prove that he's actually changing. Although, he's a bit intimidated by Alejandro so he'll put him last on the list.

He got his morning stretch and rose up from the mattress, getting sun kissed with blurry eyes. Graves sat up for a moment, trying to get comfortable with his current energy as of now. He was kind of hoping that they'll accept him back or just be neutral with him because he doesn't want negative energy around them at all now that he's back for a temporary amount of time.

After a while, he finally got out of the bed and did one last stretch before going to the bathroom. Yes. He has a bathroom and he just noticed it yesterday night when he was sitting on the desk before Soap came in.

Graves opens the door to the bathroom – immediately taking off his clothing as he steps into the shower head. He liked the water cold as he adjusts the temperature and immediately gets showered by frostbitten droplets that impale his skin, shivering from how good it felt. He gets the shampoo of his choice as he scrubs it on his ragged hair, immediately foaming as he scratches every inch of his scalp. He rinses it off and finally finishes bathing, going to the sink to clean his mouth hygiene.


He finished with his morning bath as he walks out of the bathroom, drenched in his wet hair. A few drops were left unnoticed that slid down his face but it didn't matter. He walked out of his room and tried finding Soap in order to talk to him as he officially declares him to be the first person because he felt as if he's more comfortable with Soap than anybody else as of now.

After a short while of walking around the base, he finds Soap alone – relaxing his back on the wall. He walked over to Soap and greeted him, which catches the man off guard but also greeted him back.

"Hey, Soap."

"Oh, Graves!"

They both did an informal hand gesture before talking further, pulling away after.

"So... what are you doing here?"

"I'm just waiting for Ghost, he said to come meet me here because he had something to say."

"Ah, really?"

"Yeah... why?"

"Well, I just wanted to thank you so much for accepting me back even if we're on awkward terms right now. I really appreciate it considering that you were the one who literally blew me up.",

"So, I expected less or nothing from you. But you actually talking to me made me drop my guard. I appreciate that so much, Soap."

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