CHAPTER II: The New Operation

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He felt something. It sounded like there were footsteps everywhere, and it was abnormal because he thought that he died. He didn't feel good at all, it was almost as he was given a chance which is good, but to him, it was utterly futile to give a chance to somebody so cruel that gave knives to stab the backs of people he absolutely cared about.

Why was it so vague? What happened during his unconscious moment...?

Graves thought to himself, he was already awake and conscious yet he chose to close his eyes shut and pretend to be still unconscious. He tried distracting himself by wandering inside his thoughts, looking for a way to find reason on why he wants to keep going but he couldn't remember anything. Even before his moment of passing.

When did he become an amnesiac? It was crazy that he forgot what happened that very moment he took his last breath to go rest permanently, but he was only in hibernation or rather in a deep trance with little breath left. He questioned on why he was saved, because even though he couldn't remember, it's because he just felt like finally passing away. Because, him being alive would only cause burden between the task force and to himself. He would say he was a chain incarnated to connect both him and the squadron, and that chain was the one thing that kept them from ever succeeding, a setback perhaps. Sure, Graves was cruel as fuck but that betrayal never came from his heart, but from his influenced mind.

Fuck Shepherd.

Graves, finally getting the courage to wake, opening his eyes to meet with a metal wall to his side and laying on an infirmary bed. What? How did he get here, he thought. It was a stupid one because he already knew the footsteps didn't sound like sand, but rather marble and concrete.

He was met with two soldiers after looking to his front, they seemed to not notice the man waking up and just kept gossiping things in Russian. He never understood it in the first place, so he was rather confused on what the fuck they were saying.

"Aye! Dipshits!" He shouts impulsively towards them, causing them to turn immediately. But in return, he gets a confused reaction from the both of them... Just as expected. It seems that they never learned English at all, probably never will.

"YA ne kopiruyu...?" He asked in a confused tone. Graves was always kind of impatient with people, so this is going to be hard for him to talk out with the Russians he's sitting in front of.

"Y'all don't speak English?"

"Net." That probably means, "no" considering the soldiers shook their heads afterward after the response.


"Well, I don't wanna hear y'alls gibberish anyway, so keep fucking talking, I don' care!" He was getting impatient, causing him to be impulsively angry in a joking manner. The soldiers just gave him the most disgusted look ever to symbolize confusion as they get back on talking. Apparently, they were there to keep him company for some reason.

Eventually, one of the soldiers nodded as he walks away, towards the exit-entrance of the small infirmary that Graves was in. He was questioning on why that soldier just walked away, but then locked eyes with the other one who stared at him. He seemed to be observing Graves' features. His brown hair combed to the side with a simple layer on the under, his eyes were a contrast of blue and brown. It looked pretty, thought the soldier.

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