CHAPTER XLIII: Rally & Recon

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They had officially found out that Graves had succeeded in his part of the mission, which made everybody ecstatic and proud of the man – especially Gaz. He was the one who truly cared for Graves' safety, and to find out that he was all safe and sound with the huge reinforcement of shadows, they knew that they were ready to go.

The moment Graves had approached the three men, he had received an instant compress from Gaz, the man's arms clinging onto his very back as he smiles comfortably, hugging him back with one arm as he looks at both Alejandro and Ghost. They both knew that would finally put an end to the Russian Operation's ordeals once and for all now that Graves is here. The whole team was practically complete.

"You returned..." Gaz lets out a whisper, being able to witness an indirect promise fulfilled by Graves – that he would be safe and sound.

"I swore to be safe, right?" Graves laughed as they pulled away, softly smiling at each man on his vision once again, finally seeing their faces after what seemed to be hours.

"Alejandro! I am so happy that you are okay. You're strong, hermano!" Graves went at it again with his stupid mimicking of a Spanish accent which had made Alejandro laugh due to how he pronounced it, not minding the wrong way of saying, but minding the fact that he got to see him again as well.

"Of course, Graves! I am also happy to see you. Thank you."

"What are you thanking me for?"

"Thank you- for making me feel like myself again. It hasn't been the same with Rudy not being around... and yet, you were still there to hear me out. Let me tell you- that actually helped me in fighting my grief when I finally got past it, and now we're here.",

"That's why I personally thank you. For being there."

Graves felt like he could tear up at any given moment with his eyes misting up, but just tried to be as mature as possible, appreciating the fact that Alejandro showed him signs of validation. He finally knew just from those words alone, that Alejandro had forgiven him for what he did to him in the past. The lieutenant was happy. Reconciling with both Alejandro and Ghost had been such an achievement to him in the past month, and that's what mattered to him. Being spiritually close with them both is what he only desired, nothing else.

"Hey- hey. I'm always here for you, Ale. I'm sure Rudy would've been proud of you.",

"H-he really would." Graves nodded in the process, voice cracking due to how emotional it had gotten within the span of a minute. Alejandro gave another smile towards him, deeply treasuring Rodolfo's possible emotion. He loved him, really.

"I know he would. He's my everything after all."

Nobody even minded the sudden comment from Alejandro, as they were all focused on being reconciled and happy once and for all. They all had other important duties that they needed to take care of anyways, so it wasn't really a problem to them because love never had a limit. You have the freedom to love- whomever you want to love. It's not supposed to be strictly tied to one gender, but it is supposed to be infinite.

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