CHAPTER XV: Past Virtuoso

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Graves is a man – attempting to redeem himself from his past actions. Those past actions were almost unforgivable, to the point where it leads you to death itself. It's almost impossible to escape the unbounding fate that is closing in before his very eyes.

But he decided to change the destiny it planned for him.

Ambitions are very strong, to the point that it becomes reality once you keep pursuing it dearly. It clings onto you until you either let it go or take it along with you to guide you through your journey. For Phillip, it's exactly that scenario – but the difference is that his ambition is so strong, that it became reality as it dragged him away from all the conflicts he can ever recall. Forgot even.

His era of redemption – still not over, but on the tip of fulfillment.


Graves sat on his desk, writing notes to pass his time. Except, the only difference was that this time – those notes had happy amount of literature written on them. It was only necessary, considering that he did it. That flame that burned brightly in his heart, it finally seared brightly once again from the mere ashes it once burnt:

The promise of reconnection.

He wrote a couple notes so far and set them to the side of his desk. Those notes were his way of expressing his emotions so that whenever he wants to indirectly cry onto somebody, those notes can be a way of venting. It was not that impressive, but to him – it's a way of escaping reality.

His handwriting was getting better too. Even if it looked like a child's handwriting, he would still go on because he hasn't written in a while, which degraded his penmanship – equivalent to a kid's way of writing. It was ridiculous, yet also amazing that he's beginning to get his writing in shape again.

A few moments later, Graves had heard somebody come in without introducing themselves – it was once again, the outstanding sergeant: McTavish.


"Oh! Hey Soap." He sets down his pen and turned towards the man from the doorway. "What are you doing here? You... don't usually come into my room that often, and it just so happens that you came in now."

"Oh uh... I just wanted to ask you about how are you holding up in our base so far? Good? Bad?"

"Amazing." He nonchalantly said.

"That's great. I'm glad you're doing amazing here.",

"Y'know... I have been meaning to tell you this also..."

Graves furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head, wondering what Soap was going to say.

"You're actually one of the first enemies we welcomed back. We don't usually trust them again or anything, but you've proven to me at least – that you've changed. By a lot."

"Anything for you guys."

"Yeah, well- make sure to not break our trust again too. You're going to lose everything if you waste this second chance."

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