CHAPTER X: The Clash

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Alejandro kept walking towards the abandoned warehouse with his men as they stand in one place for a while. From what Graves can see, Alejandro is trying to communicate through his transmitter. He's most likely talking to someone important.

"Graves, how copy?" Nikolais asks through Graves' transmitter. He was worried after Shogun reminded him.

"He's near your position. Stay as hidden as possible."

"And you?"

"Like I said, don't worry about me. I have my own ways."

He didn't like the sound of that. What was Graves up to?

"I don't like the sound of that..."

"Don't worry, Nikolais. I have a plan, but I do need the two of you to tag along since this is dangerous."

"What the hell are you planning?!"

"A... personal offer."


Graves turned off his transmitter so that Nikolais and Shogun can be safe. If they ever heard them communicating, then they might investigate the Russian, leading to more conflict. He didn't like that idea considering that he doesn't want to put the Russian base at further danger since he's already a danger himself.

Graves took a deep breath and grabbed his extra transmitter from his pocket. An extra transmitter? Where did that come from?

He clenched the other transmitter, and put it on the other chest that was on the opposite side of his main one that has Nikolais and Shogun on communications. To Graves, the plan was to use the extra transmitter to serve as a way of communication through Nikolais and Shogun without their voice being heard. He cut them off from the communications when he got the extra transmitter from the armory earlier to not let them communicate, but to listen in.

It was smart considering that the transmitters don't have wires anymore, and was able to send it directly to the earpiece. And without a wire, the transmitter can only pick up communication if you have the dial tone of the desired person you wish to talk to.

From there, Graves executed the plan and hoped that Nikolais would listen to him. Even without any clarification of what he was doing.

He stood up from the rust pile and came out to Alejandro, basically exposing himself. They immediately point all their guns towards them except for Alejandro, which halted his men from doing so.



Alejandro had the most shocked face ever. Eyes widened to the brim, and also felt nervous because of the fact that Graves is back. Nobody from 1-4-1 told Alejandro nor Rudy that Graves was still alive, which was the biggest shock to him. The Mexicans were important to them, yet they didn't get any clear notification that Graves... was alive.

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