CHAPTER XXXIII: Exploiting The Bond

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To Graves, everything had happened so fast. So fast that it had already been waiting for him on the other side. The number of opportunities that had unfolded in front of him, he was absolutely clueless on the outcome, and yet- everything had been a success so far. His redemption – his prophecies – his promises – everything.

But those all those factors costed such a fortune that was worth so much, even more than the most beautiful crystals and pearls known to man, his belief.

It might've felt good knowing that he reconnected with everybody in the team, in which they'd try to put their trust towards him more often now, and even have people to talk to in the meantime- it was a privilege to have such companions that was worthy of Graves' own life, but that life mattered so much more to the team itself, having broken mental blockages within Ghost was one of the side-factors of this event.

His effect had made Ghost put a little bit of trust into him again, and had also found comfort in his words. Such American only knows how to start and deepen the conversation, deeper than most trenches discovered- to the point where it would hit you on a spiritual level – ethereal manifestation.

Though, those things did matter a lot to Graves, which was already enough. It wasn't enough. It never was.


That man had left such a deep impact on him, and is the whole reason why he had so many opportunities to change, and so he did- finally ruling his favor and winning his promise of being back to his old team. But sadly, that man didn't know that he would have other goals than just being with him. All the commander wanted, was to have someone who would've stuck by his side until the rotten end, to swear valiance rather than dying a regrettable conclusion.

He wanted Graves.

But only the closest friends are open to broken ties – never able to heal it back this time. Surely not with glue, and surely not with talk.

Talk was the one Graves attempted, and he succeeded.

But in Nikolais' case- that wasn't possible.

Never now.


The two lieutenants were both nearing the location that was the place for "talk", but it was just the base for the Russians that Graves knew. He was just giving Ghost the directions after all, so the other man was still clueless about Graves' other secrets that he kept to himself. If he were to openly reveal every information, then the team would take it as a time to attack them back with the lieutenant's knowledge, but he doesn't want that.

Only worsening the broken trust and friendship would result in total distrust and grudges. Those things, you cannot ever heal anymore.

"It's juuuuust... about here." Graves pointed his head towards the abandoned town, the exact town that he was just in a while ago. It gave him a shroud of nostalgia, but it wasn't the time to reminisce such foul memories.

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