EXTRA CHAPTER V: From Rodolfo, To Price

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Price didn't even notice that a couple of minutes had already gone by, and he zoned out just by looking at the letter that was just laying in front of him. He knew that he needed to bring himself to read it, in a form of respect. He cannot just let this slide now, given how it was also overdue because they were caught in trouble afterwards.

With enough courage, the captain had taken hold of the letter once more as he observed it carefully. A dry camellia was pressed onto the seal as he felt it with his fingers, feeling it wilt away from how long it endured the dust and thirst it craved. It was properly dead, but the color still stood.

He opened the letter, and there, he found a note that was folded into many sections. He unfolded it shortly enough, and found a mountain of words written onto the long paper. Price gave himself time before reading as he took a deep breath in order to brace himself.


Hey Captain Price! Believe it or not, you're the first one to not be called 'hermano' at the beginning and also the last letter I am writing this to! I'm very happy that I can finish writing to everybody, even after everything that has happened within the last couple of weeks after Graves was finally gone for good. I do hope that pendejo rots in whatever place he'd go to. Obviously hell, but you never know, the sky is open for more visitors. Even bad ones. Hehe.

I apologize for how unserious that was, but back to being serious. Price, if you don't know yet, I am writing letters to the whole team and that, these letters were things I could've said to you, but couldn't. Think of it as words that were physically swallowed by me, and that it's a secret from me. I'm sorry for being a coward, but I've never been good at speaking in person.

Anyway, if you are reading this, something bad or worse might've happened to me. I am terribly sorry for setting the mood so low, but I've already written this to the others, and I feel like you deserve to know too.

Price, I'm writing this in my time and experience with you, and I have to say, you are an amazing captain to the team. You are so selfless and smart. I wish to be like you someday, where I can lead my little group of hermanos, but then I remembered, I'm not fit enough to be one yet. I'm just Ale's second-in-command, and honestly, I prefer that more anyway. As much as I love to lead a group of people, I cannot take the workload that comes with it. It must be tiring, right?

You've also told me so many things you wish that you could've told the rest of the team as well, excluding me and Ale of course. It's strictly between you and the other three. It's funny, because I'm doing the exact same thing, but in the form of letters that are labeled emergency if I ever get in trouble or anything.

Don't tell them this, but I'm planning to tell Alejandro about the letters after I finish writing this, and believe me, it hurts. Because it's only going to be opened in case I get in an accident. If anything, I do not wish for everybody to grieve after my death. I served for too long, I feel. I've done so many good and bad things, and I've learned from those to become a better person overall... it's simple really, I'm already content and prepared for what's about to come in the future.

Whatever happens that is either good or bad, make use of it. Make that a lesson for yourself and use that to become a better leader. A better captain. You're already enough for them in my eyes, but I do feel like there's still some things missing that you haven't found within yourself yet, and I want you to discover that on your own.

Soap, Ghost and Gaz are all thrilled and happy to have you as a captain. Sure, I think they may be stressed sometimes because of the work you split with them, but it's okay. They're still there for you, and you're still there for them. That's enough.

Company is the best thing to ever exist. Don't miss out on every moment you have a chance to talk to them or go out with them on missions. Assist them, like you're their guardian. Well obviously, you are. You're Captain Price! You are the leader they've always deserved.

I'm sorry for making this letter a bit too long, but you deserve it. There's so many things I want to tell you and I think I stated most in this letter... Eh, hold on. Oh yeah, I forgot about your relationship with Gaz!

Captain, if you ever feel like you have to do more for him, don't do it. Don't push yourself to please or to make Gaz be more fond and closer to you. He already knows it all too well. Believe me. He appreciates you, a lot. He appreciates you, as a captain, and as a person. Sure, he may not act like it because I know he's embarrassed to admit it to you, but keep in mind, that thing he's hiding from you... it's hard weight, but he's making sure to carry it just to keep both of you stable. Even when both of you aren't destined to be people who will be together as... 'family' in retirement in the future, then at least he knew about you. Please, go talk to him about it sometime for me, okay? He deserves to hear you.

I think that's finally all. I have almost said everything I wanted to say to you. The last thing being, I love you, captain. Keep being a good captain, always!

Catch a rest sometime, please. You deserve it.

Rudy :)"

(P.S. Your beard is fantastic! I reaaaaally hope I grow one like yours. It suits you well, captain.)

"Oh, Rudy... you were stripped of your life so early..." He whispered to himself. "I'm sorry I couldn't be a better leader to you."

Price held in all his emotions in that very moment after finishing the letter and mumbling out those words to himself. It really took a toll on his emotions, that for sure. He couldn't believe somebody like Rudy would dedicate such a hoard of beautiful yet sorrowful words to him but he held it close to his heart, where it synchronizes a beat as he gasps for air through his sobs.

"You're a champion." He smiled through the tears. "A champion, Rudy."

He couldn't even speak to himself properly. So many emotions went through the captain at once. Above all the emotions and grief, he swore that he would make this a lesson to himself. Just like he said. He couldn't find another purpose to respect Rudy further, but to just inherit what he requested of him to do.

"I couldn't be a better leader and captain to you, Rudy. But I promise I will try my hardest to protect those I care about."

"I will be a better leader to them. I promise you." A soft smile formed on his stained face.

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