CHAPTER XI: Before & After

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Graves was taken. For the second time, it seems.

He felt shitty, and his head was all over the place. It spun around and gave him the most nauseous of feelings and he couldn't open his eyes properly because of how tired he was.

Tired was an understatement. He felt really numb.

He slowly opened his eyes to have a clear on what was around him, and to his perspective... he was tied up in a chair. No wonder he felt numb. The ropes had been all around his stomach, tying a knot around his wrists from behind. He also had ropes around his chest area too, and was left untangled. Seems like he was that "dangerous", he would think but no.

He wasn't.

Graves couldn't do anything, but speak and scream. He decided not to do anything out of pure habit, because he thinks he deserves it for being reckless as usual. That is Graves, a reckless and arrogant fool. One must get so desperate to achieve something only to be grasped by the hands of hell as it drags him down to eternal pain.

Should he... just...? No. He cannot give up just yet.

Moments later, he was met with familiar faces that came into the room. Faces that he thought he had a chance with, but was broken by them.

"Phillip. Fucking. Graves." The middle-aged man said with a fine British accent. "We've finally detained you."

Graves just sat there, unable to do anything and just gave him a blank stare. It radiated rage, but it wasn't because he was mad. It just came off that way due to probably how exhausted he is for being taken the second time. "...What do you want?"

He replied back, voice deep as the void. Endless.

"We don't want anything," It was already a different answer than when he asked Shepherd. They don't want anything. That made him relieved, but Price sounded like he had more to say. "but you do have to be interrogated."

Interrogation. One of the things that Graves can do, but cannot if he was ever the victim.

"Sure." He says with a nod.

"Okay." He answered back, "For the sake of your shenanigans, I will let Ghost, Soap, and Alejandro interrogate you. They're the ones you betrayed that night." Graves swallowed.

"I'm sure they have a lot to ask about you."

The three of them behind Price looked like they were planning this from the beginning. They all had serious looks on their faces, and Alejandro was edging to go first. What does Graves know? Alejandro was the one person he really betrayed that night, and would probably be the first to ask him question. Predicted, yet surreal.

Alejandro walked towards Graves and decided that he would be the first interrogator.

"Greetings, pendejo."

"You're still full of words, Alejandro."

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