CHAPTER IX: Another Chance

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The three men arrive in the armory, and luckily, all of them were now familiar with the layout of it. Specifically, Graves since he's the newbie here in the Russian base.

"Make sure to wear what you want again. The place that we're gon' try and scavenge is an abandoned warehouse." Nikolais points out the factors before Shogun and Graves prepare themselves.



Nikolais nodded back at their responses and continued getting his desires that waited for him. His vest, gun and utility. He already planned out what he was going to grab from the armory, so that left Graves and Shogun to get what they wanted. Both of them were together at the vest section, undecisive of which one they're going to take for themselves.

"Aye, Graves." Shogun started the conversation. Seemed eager to do so as he looked like he had questions.


"You good with a sniper?"

"...Not really. I'd prefer rifles instead."

"Oh damn. That's the one gun I despise the most."


"Really. I don't know how to operate other guns other than snipers. Captain Dmitri even said I was born with the power to use snipers too."

"Well good for you. Snipers aren't really my best bet, since I like to be direct with the shooting." He counter-argues with an opinion. "I don't really like taking time to adjust my aim towards their head."

"Ah... I see. Well, no judging on that. Not everybody knows how to use certain guns, so no biggie." He chuckles afterwards, proceeding to take a vest from the selection.

"You got that right." He follows along and gets a vest as well. He liked the complicated looking ones, because Graves is all about style in battle.

The two were finished picking their vests as they move towards the weaponry. Shogun immediately ran towards the snipers and armed himself professionally, putting the sniper on his back with the help of the small strap on his front.

For Graves, he just picked another rifle and hoped that he wouldn't miss the chance to use one again. The last time he went out, he didn't get to fire a single bullet.

"Are you two done?" Nikolais questioned them from the other side.

"Yeah. We're almost finished with our selection. Just wait for a second, Enzo."

By this time, Graves had already strapped the rifle on his front and signaled Shogun to come along with him towards Nikolais. He obliged and both men walked towards the walkie-talkie areas.

When they got there, Nikolais looked like he was arranging the earpieces and transmitters all together. He seemed to be trying to fix the transmitters for a better way of communication as the wires are kind of annoying, he thought. It's true, sometimes the connection between the earpiece and the transmitter disrupts the focus of one.

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