CHAPTER III: Mending My Ways

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It has been a few days.

Graves was enjoying having hospitality inside the Russian base, and that tall Russian soldier, who introduced himself to be Nikolais was always trying his best to visit him inside the infirmary. Sure, the infirmary was a bad place to sleep in but Graves would appreciate anything right now because he has nothing and just having to rest and eat food everyday is a blessing for him. It was also funny that Nikolais was learning to speak English a bit better because of Graves. Maybe because he was already learning English, but he thinks Graves is just trying to help him arrange his grammar sentences a bit more.

Of course, he insisted and just tried his best to practice his English every day, whether it was informal or formal. He really wanted to learn and he got better surprisingly. Graves would be in shock every time they meet because he actually thinks he helped out Nikolais to speak proper English. So, they can both conclude that they gained a little trust those few days that passed.

In the present day, Graves was just walking around the base, trying his best to layout and memorize the place because it was that fucking huge. The rooms and the hallways, just everything in particular was a surprise to the man. He of course, just doesn't stay wearing a white shirt and jeans but rather has a supply of clothing next to him, so whenever he goes out and takes a shower, he would bring a pair of clothes and just change in the bathroom after taking one.

Shortly, it was caught attention to Graves that he hasn't met the "leader" or rather, the boss of these Russians. Hell, he doesn't even know what they're up to in the first place. Nikolais didn't tell him why he brought him here for hospitality either, so what was really his intention? He was clueless.

Speaking of the devil, he sees Nikolais walking towards his way speaking into some sort of walkie-talkie. He sounded really serious, and he wanted to pry but decided not to. Well... isn't he going to talk to him at least? Yes.

As he got closer, his voice got more and more vivid. He sounded like he muttering to somebody in Russian. And when he got there, the conversation still didn't end and just stood in front of Graves as he kept eyeing the walls and back to him. A flickering sensation always tingles within the man, he sounded like he really wanted to hurry up.

Graves was confused on why he was sounded so... angry. Well, he couldn't assume because his dumbfuck ass cannot even understand Russian anyway.

After a while which Graves thought was hours, the walkie-talkie finally stopped operating as Nikolais arranges himself for his informal approach towards the shorter man.

"I'm sorry about that." His accent was still as sharp as ever. His English was getting good too.

"Woah," he was surprised at his English. What he didn't know about Nikolais, is that he's a fast learner. Wonder why he already knew how to construct an English sentence, despite if it's wrong? He was smart. "your English is getting so much better." He finished his sentence; it lit up the Russian's eyes.

"Thanks." He said coldly, but it was of pure joy inside.

There befell a moment of silence from them. The last few days have been pretty awkward considering that Graves still felt so bad about the betrayal he imposed towards his old squadron friends, so he was still pretty awkward with people because he is traumatized. Yes, he is the one who is traumatized instead of 1-4-1 from what he could make out. From that day of awakening, Graves swore to never be close to anybody again. He was afraid.

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