CHAPTER XXIII: A Lifeline We Prospered

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Alejandro and Rodolfo both grew up in a balanced district in Las Almas, where it wasn't that crowded or polluted either. It was still kind of unsanitary though because some of the people were engaging in criminality and also performing all sorts of illegal actions. Yet, both of the boys ignored that and just continued playing outside like stray dogs – it was always a golden moment between them.

As soon as they met, they never taken a day break from each other because they were attached with each other. You could even say they were inseparable – those invisible strings once again.

The two boys would never let a day pass without them both playing together outside like it's the last day of life on Earth.

"¡Tag! ¡Eres tú, Alejandro! ¡Ven por mí!" Rodolfo said while tagging Alejandro. It seemed like they were both playing tag today.

"Awwww! ¿Otra vez? ¡Voy a por ti una vez más!" He was eager to tag Rodolfo once more as he runs for the other boy.

They really enjoyed each other's company back then. The fact they could only speak their native language was cute and memorable for them both. Life was way more prosperous and lively back then for them. They wondered what was in store for their future once they grow up.

Alejandro and Rodolfo both wanted to grow up? That's an ambitious mindset, but they didn't know what can come next. Sadly, both their expectations were so high – so they didn't think of the consequences and just looked more on the bright side.


They both grew up as teenagers.

Life was getting harder for them both and they've been going through a lot – losing friendships, packed with work, depression, passing of family members and more that they can list but chose not to remember. It would only just hurt them further.

But you know what made these all worth it to pass? They were both together in it.

Both of them always had each other's backs and either one would take a turn in comforting the other always, because they never left each other. Sure, some moments they would fight and that would seem like the end of their friendship – but it wasn't. All those tears they cried after countless and pointless arguments were always wasted because in the end... they always got back together and just continued being friends.

In school life, nothing much happened other than them learning English together because both of them always wanted to serve for Mexico together. Their dreams of protecting their country always skyrocketed when they watched military shows and comedy on their televisions. How they both wish they could just turn back time and go back to their childhood.

But really – that's the way of life, you cannot go back. That's why you must make your youth memorable and fruitful. And to the both of them, they think they've fulfilled that.

Alejandro and Rodolfo were both unstoppable. Whenever they think they should grow up and change, they'll do it. The only thing that was keeping them back was that neither one of them wants the other to change. Both of them preferred if one just stayed the same, while the other would fight for their inner-child to keep living. Sadly, they couldn't because things would always get thrown at them and they just had to keep on moving and leave everything behind.

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