CHAPTER XXVI: His Last Charades

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After a small moment of closure between Graves and Alejandro, the taller man had the idea of going to Rodolfo's room because he wanted to see how his room felt. The funny thing is that, Alejandro had never been inside Rodolfo's room ever since they laid dormant inside 1-4-1's base. In other words, this will be a first-time experience to Alejandro and to Graves also.

They both rest for a minute after pulling away from the long hug as Graves sits on the mattress in anticipation, waiting for Alejandro's call. The man had just laid down on the bed as well while caressing his stained face, possibly smearing all of his tears everywhere. It was common for people to do that, but it's not counted in this moment.

Minutes passed, and Alejandro finally finished calming himself down as he signals Graves to come with him to Rodolfo's room – which was next to Alejandro's room. Heartbreaking.

The two men go outside Alejandro's room as they meet with the door that Graves had seen before coming in. The same brown colored door with the green colored paint hues stained on the frames and all – and the name tag hanging from above. It broke Alejandro's heart once more just seeing Rodolfo's name just being mentioned by a godforsaken door, but they were the ones who had the idea of putting name tags on everybody's door in the first place, so was it really worth it?

Before Alejandro got his hand on the door knob, Graves had stopped him by placing his hand on his back – possibly trying to reassure him if he really wants to do this or not. It was his choice, but the man just wanted to make sure because he knows how hard it is for him to lose somebody he loved, let alone going inside his room – which contained his presence.

"Alejandro... are you sure you want to do this...? You can do it another time if... you're not comfortable."

The man turned his head back to Graves, as he gives him a look of confirmation in a form from a neutral face that proceeded to give a nod afterwards.

"Yes. I know Rodolfo hated me going into his room without permission, but he's not here anymore." Alejandro had hurt himself even further just by saying that statement alone. Deep inside, he didn't want to go in – but it just felt right because this was now an open opportunity to see what the dead man hid behind his childish painted door.

Graves swallowed the debris of worry inside his throat as he nods back, "Okay."

Alejandro turned his head back to the door, full on focused as he grasps the door knob once more – twisting it slightly as the door unlocks itself, immediately being greeted by the comfort of sun inside Rodolfo's room. The windows that gave the room life, that once belonged to a man – now dead.

Just by entering the room, Alejandro could feel himself tearing up but chose not to just burst out crying again or that would've been ridiculous. Graves trailed behind as he sees the room that was filled with all sorts of wonders. It was all arranged and tidy as all the decoration and clothing wasn't layered on the floor. Rodolfo probably hated seeing messy shit.

Rodolfo's room contained two drawers – one that was in front of the door and one that was on the front of the bed's footboard, facing towards the entrance of the room as it sits on the corner.

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