CHAPTER XXVIII: A Sense of Familiarity

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It was time.

They had already planned the departure for Graves and a couple recruits towards the location that Laswell entrusted them to investigate due to the concerns of having a dangerous sensor of high pressures within the area. To Laswell, this sounded like it occurred a while ago when they were doing the deed to stop Shepherd's missiles, so that's why she was so eager for this investigation mission to be done urgently.

Price still needed a few reassurances from Graves, but his commission got accepted in the end anyway.


It had just turned afternoon after everything that just unfolded within the span of the day. From talking it out with Alejandro – to Rodolfo's letters – to handing them out, and now this. The little vehicle in a form of a jeep just had been set up by the team for Graves and the other extra recruits he'll get authority of commanding this mission. The man did not concur getting support from mere recruits, but Price insisted. A captain could only care so much about his subordinates.

The recruits were already going on the back of the small jeep as Graves slowly follows them on board along with Price, just to have a chance to say some regards before he departs into the boundless desert.

Just as Graves reaches the door of the driver's side, Price stopped him for a moment to say some things before leaving him alone once again.

"Graves. Hold on." He grasps the man's arm who was just about to open the driver's door, the sudden approach freezes the current action as Graves steps back to hear what Price wants to say.


"...Nothing really. I'm just concerned for your safety, lieutenant."

Graves was in awe internally, but couldn't really show it due to the serious endeavor that was ahead of him. Instead, he took a sigh and rests his hand on the captain's shoulder – Price immediately feeling the cold grasp of the man despite being in the depths of the warm sun.

"Captain... I know you're worried for me- I do know that. It's just, I really want you to just trust me with these missions I want to crave for only myself.",

"It's not everyday that you get somebody that wants to do these things alone. Believe me." He was right. Price couldn't deny it either.

Ever since the start of Graves warming up with the team, it had softened Price's opinion about him unintentionally: without a clue. He didn't know that he would care for man that was so evil, yet he also had a side of giving him a second chance whenever it shows the opportunity to do so. Though, don't make the same mistake – because Price definitely doesn't believe in third chances, which is such a rare phenomenon or saying. In short, it doesn't correlate with the modernity that exists today.

He replied back, "Okay. But still, please stay safe, lieutenant."

Graves scoffed, "I will."

He lets go of the captain's shoulder as he opens the door to the vehicle, immediately hopping in and starting the engine which sets the vehicle in motion. He takes one last look towards Price – smiling as he drifts off into the sunset. The glare of warmness elevating his determination, the evening approaching surges his own determination to the max.

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