CHAPTER XLV: Out of Incognito

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"What's wrong, Gaz? You know you could tell me anything."

Price asked the man just sitting on his desk with a slouched back- deprived from all the work and tasks that he needed to do. The captain informally came in his room without permission as he stood in the doorway, giving the lieutenant a chance to be more at ease in order to give a genuine response. He always knew that Gaz was so overworked by him, and he couldn't help but check up on the man after constant fulfillment.

"Price... I- I'm going to be serious with you. I absolutely hate you right now."

Hearing that response made Price's heart drop immediately. He never expected somebody like Gaz to hate him or anything, and he was caught off-guard. And just by hearing that, he knew something was up. Price always knew what was wrong with each member once they feel shut out.

"...Why exactly?" The captain asked in a curious tone, hiding the cracks behind it with silence beforehand.

Gaz stood up from his chair and went over to where Price was, immediately giving him a violent course of action as he pushes him away, his feet stumbling back from the force. Somehow, Price didn't let himself be defensive or anything, and he clearly didn't show any signs of anger either.

His eyes were soft. Sincere.

He accepted the push.

"You keep fucking giving me work like I'm some kind o' robot! It's unfair, and it's just- unfair that you're not even giving me a chance to rest! I'M human too, Price and I thought you should know better because you are my captain. Do you even- care for me? Do you even think of all possible deaths I would go through!?"

He exhaled from his mouth, going over to his desk once again- sitting down impulsively as he looks towards the captain from the doorway with a face that both represented frustration and melancholy at the same time.

The captain didn't respond as he actually went inside Gaz's room for real this time, walking over to the desk as Gaz turned his back away from him – running his hands through his scalp, elbows resting on the fine wood. By the time Price got to where he was, he just stood behind him out of intention.

Price didn't want to hurt or touch Gaz at all. He knew he needed distance.

"Look kid. I'm not a perfect captain–"

"Sure hell you ain't." Gaz cut him off, but Price continued the moment he finished his interruption.

"–But I would give anything away just to keep everybody safe as long as you're under my roof."

Gaz took a deep sigh, putting down his hands on the desk as his lips twitched and his throat pulsing, hiding all his pain just by thinking of all the work he needed to finish by the end of the week. In the present time, he still has a lot to go and it's almost due by Saturday as well. He couldn't help but just overthink everything, as if he's about to explode in that very spot, staggering Price and bringing him down with him. Although, he couldn't help, but also think that – what if Price felt the same. All this work shit was bruising his mentality.

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