EXTRA CHAPTER III: From Rodolfo, To Ghost

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Ghost really didn't think much of the letter as he immediately rushed to his room after receiving it from Price. He thought that it wasn't worth reading because it would mean going back to mourning the dead man afterwards, but what has he got to lose anyway? It was just a letter to him.

He sat on his own wooden desk as he carefully pried open the letter. He couldn't help but notice the dry pressed gladiolus on the letter, but he didn't take it into consideration as he proceeded to read the words written by Rudy to him.


Hey hermano... Now I know you're not that chatty and all, but I promise you this letter will be worth your time. I'm in the process of writing everybody letters from the team and I'm already halfway with yours. I started with Alejandro first, then Soap, and now you! Such a beautiful pattern, don't you think? Haha.

Anyway, if you're reading this, then I'm afraid something bad might've happened to me, or maybe even worse than bad. Imagine this as an emergency knowing that there's a few things I could've told you, but I couldn't because I am a coward to physically say it to you hermano. I'm not confident in my words, so just let my writing live up the words I swallowed up to myself.

Ghost... I... I don't know what to say to you. All I can say is 'thank you' and all, but I want to be deeper than just a simple thank you. The thing is, I'm glad to be somebody under your trust. I've heard from a couple enemies during our time that they were scared of you, or that they were intimidated by you. And honestly, I wouldn't get on your bad side either. You're pretty scary yourself, haha. (do not take that as an insult pls.)

I've always been afraid of ghosts, like really. I hated them. Always kept me up as a child in the middle of the night and that my parents had to always comfort me and tell me they're not real... I'm ashamed to admit it, but I still believe in them. Don't laugh at me. I fucking hate them so much! I just want to get a gun, and shoot through them if I ever see or feel them. But then again, you cannot. They are ghosts... God, I'm such an asshole.

But to be honest, having spent my time with you in chasing down the shadows, I've learned to not be afraid of them. Very good, yeah? I think it's good that I'm not that afraid of them anymore.

Ghost, I'm not afraid of ghosts anymore, because of you.

And for that, hermano, I thank you.

I'm so happy that I have a ghost friend that is a badass and can actually fight back. Hahaha. It's so cool now that I think of it. Hey, if I ever get on your nerves sometime, don't throw a knife towards me again. That terrified me a little and it was during the time I was also kind of learning myself as well to not be afraid of ghosts...

Don't think bad about it though. You got me out of it after all. You made me realize that some ghosts can be friendly, and that I'm grateful to have a spirit hermano by my side! Hehe.

Thank you, hermano. For being there for me.

Rudy :)"

Ghost couldn't help but just sit in silence as he looked at the wall in front of him, contemplating life itself. He really didn't expect that from just a letter. To him, it wasn't a letter, but it was somehow a way to strengthen himself. It was now very clear to him that it wasn't something so simple, but something so rich and valuable to him.

Rudy was surprisingly good at getting him in an emotional state as he was clinging on for dear life trying not to weep. He doesn't fail, but he definitely admits that it got him. Clearly, Rudy meant a lot to him, but didn't expect such literature to tear his barriers down instantly.

And for that, he realizes.

I meant something... to someone.

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