CHAPTER XIX: Neutralization

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The "Supposed Father & Son" Duo – Jonathan "Price" & Kyle "Gaz" Garrick

Price and Gaz had always been together from the very start ever since that one incident. Gaz was a past cop way before the task force was established – making him meet Price during that time as they got closer, eventually being in a spiritual level of "close".

What does that mean? They often get mistaken as father and son by most strangers when they take a normal stroll around a city. Even though they aren't blood related, Price considers Gaz to be his biological son because he cares for him so much to the point that he's willing to protect him at any costs.

Gaz doesn't mind being considered as Price's son, but he still finds it ridiculous to this day because he always asked himself, 'how did I establish a deep connection with my captain?'.

The answer is simple, he was the reason.


Gaz started the process of neutralizing the missiles, but he knew he needed assistance from Price as one wrong wire – everything explodes in an instant. It would be most unfortunate if they die being exploded by the missile itself. Suicidal.

"Captain, I need assistance! What's the order of the colored wires again??"

"Ah shit, alright." Price crouches near Gaz and picks up the device used to launch the missiles, going to the settings section so that he can see the order of the wires.

"Gaz, exactly cut the desired wires when I finish counting. We are timing this correctly, because if we cut it in an instant... it will explode."

"Roger that, captain."

"Alright." Price looked at the device and proceeds to the wire extraction phase – the third and last phase.

"On my cue, immediately cut the green wire in three...",



Price didn't continue as Gaz immediately cuts the green wire without hesitation, moving on to the next wire.

"Nice job, Gaz.",

"Now... cut the blue wire on my cue, in three..."



Another moment without hesitation, Gaz immediately cuts the blue wire which leaves only red and purple left. But there was a problem, the purple wire wasn't in the device's instructions which leaves them confused.

"What the hell...? The purple wire doesn't exist in the settings at all!" Price was now confused as ever as the missiles were almost timed to be put on activation, which will move on to the process of launching. They all panicked.

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