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The sniper adjusts his aim towards Alejandro as he prepares to shoot the gun, trying to kill the man who was just talking with a shorter man than him.

Moments before shooting – his transmitter emitted, "Make sure to make this shot count, Gryff. We only have one bullet in that sniper, and it can kill somebody in an instant." It seems that his name was Gryff based from the person behind the transmitter.

"Alright. Just let me shoot now, please. I need to get this over with."

"For Graves." The transmitter spoke as it immediately disconnected afterwards.

The sniper carefully aims the sniper's crosshair towards Alejandro's chest – his heart. He was planning to eradicate the poor, clueless man out of this world.

"G'bye, Alejandro." He smugly said as he pulled the trigger-


Everyone also secretly hoped that Graves would survive all the injuries given to him by Shepherd. The wounds look really fatal and would actually take somebody's life if they're weak-willed. Even if the medic confirmed that Graves still had a heartbeat, it doesn't mean that he would live the process of medication back in their base's infirmary.

They really hoped.

Both Soap and Ghost talked about Soap's experience with helping Graves back in the roof – which was a tragic thing to talk about considering Soap experienced all of that happen to Graves. If he died now, then it would traumatize and haunt the poor man forever.

"I... really don't know if he'll- live." Soap openly said to the masked man as he looks down with no emotion, yet Soap could tell that Ghost cared a little for Graves as well. He was right. Ghost also hoped Graves would survive.

"Forget my joke about him- I'm sick of lying to myself that I hate him- I want him to live too, Johnny." He spoke all of that in a rapid succession, which shocked Soap because he didn't expect that from Ghost at all.

"You... actually admit it?"

"I do. During the short moments we three had, he's probably the one who helped with the whole mission.",

"Besides, he knew where Shepherd was located and now... he's dead. Even if I continued purging him, then it would be no use. He has a heart after all.",

"You proved that to me."

Soap looked up at Ghost, looking directly at the man's optics. He could tell he wasn't lying at all – of course, Ghost was always straightforward. He would never lie about anything besides denying every ridiculous accusation of him.

"You're welcome, Simon." He spoke the man's actual name, which he didn't mind at all anymore as Soap smiled at him. He shared a smile back which was hidden because of his balaclava. If only he saw how genuine that smile was coming from him.

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