CHAPTER XXXV: Emotional Perceptions

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After that horrendous realization, Graves and Ghost were given the chance to drive back without harm, but did receive a warning that if they ever come back, they'll be greeted with the spree of bullets- death. That warning didn't faze any of them because it was such a normal threat, to the point that it's probably on the bottom of their worries as they've experienced worse things in the past before. Especially Ghost.

"Was it that easy for Enzo to just let us go like that?" Ghost asked while he pumped the acceleration, drifting back onto the concrete earth, his tone mixing with both confusion and ice.

Graves shifted his position into a more comfortable posture, making sure that he doesn't seem tensed or anything because he didn't believe it either- that Nikolais had let them go with a warning. "I know him, Ghost."

He knows Nikolais just by hanging out with him in the past. Everything about him. His likes, dislikes, peeves, favorites- everything you could name out of somebody that you love the most, where you find heaven in that person, a heaven of refuge and comfortability. Sadly, everything changed.

And Nikolais wasn't the same anymore.

"I know everything about him. Such a shame that you let go of people in the future."

"That's why you should be careful on who you place your trust in, Graves.",

"The people that are close to you could hurt you the most." He altered the quote that he imbedded within Soap that one night, and this was exclusively for Graves only because he felt like he needed to learn a lesson that he, himself, learned the hard way.

"You're wise."

"I find philosophy absurd."

"You're smart." He purposely changed his prior statement, mocking the man for not liking philosophy, knowing fucking well that he's also very unaware of the subject as well.

"Just stating the facts. No need for flattering."

Graves gave out a snicker as Ghost continued driving, the evening turning into dawn in a matter of seconds as they see the orange view peek out from the horizons, levitating from the grounds of the Earth- it's rays meeting the vehicle's windows, beaming through as they narrow their eyes from the sudden jolt of light emitting from the distance.

"Ghost..." His voice came out as a faint breath, being all genuine with his upcoming regards. Ghost gave him a hum in return, signaling that he's ready to reply to whatever Graves was going to propose.

"Thank you." Graves added with a nod, the range changing from vague to visible- expressing his emotions even further with the driver. A simple "thank you" didn't mean anything, and it would come off as a simple gesture, but to Ghost – he knew what lied beyond those two words, understanding the indirection of proposal that Graves had projected from his lips. His hand lightened on the steer, not wanting to give his co-lieutenant eye contact, but still having the guts to utter what he was about to say.

"You don't have to thank me, Graves. I already forgave you."

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