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A few months had gone by after the whole team had assisted Graves on taking down the Russian Organization that once reigned so short, yet caused so much impact on everyone's lives in the end.

The grieving of Graves due to his Russian friend's sacrifice, Rodolfo's death caused by Gryffin Santiago–who was now under Graves' command, Soap almost dying by bleeding out when nobody was there to save him–everything was a mess for them during that time, but not everything was to be listed down.

Even after everything had happened, they still managed to make it out of the whole crisis. Their time was well spent in their base on Las Almas, leaving everything to Alejandro until they were needed to come over again and help with another mission. It is inevitable, and could happen anytime now but luckily for them, it hasn't come by. Yet.

The taskforce chose to land back in Al Mazrah, where one of their bases were located. They didn't have any specific reason on why, but maybe because they've been familiar with the place for so long.

It was a fair day out. Not too gloomy, and not too sunny either. Just about balanced to the spoils of crime and bloodshed–the spoils of war and grime.

"–so you're meaning to tell me, that you lead a group of people now? Like... me?" Price asked with a smirk through the walkie-talkie that was on a stand.

"Affirmative, Price. I have got to say, it's a bit tiring doing your job. I am very much ashamed of underestimating the annoyance and stress that comes with it." The voice in the device replied back.

"Don't worry about it too much, Graves," Price said with a laugh. "It comes in the daily, you should get used to it one day. Trust me."

Price couldn't see it, but he imagined Graves rolling his eyes to his reply which gave him quite a quiet chuckle just by imagining it. He knew Graves was not that patient, and wanted to get things done straight up and on the spot. It rivaled his own leadership, because Price was more patient and understanding with his comrades which was a bit ironic.

"Teach me some of your ways sometime, Price. I beg to hear it from the captain himself." Graves laughed through the device, which made Price smile slightly.

"Sure. I'd love to tell you some things on how I manage things myself."

After a good chuckle coming from the device, it went silent. It was noticeably awkward for a few seconds, until Graves finally spoke up once more; this time, it wasn't about generic things, but a question.

"Hey Price?" His voice sounded concerned and questioning through the walkie-talkie, which set things very serious in a matter of seconds.

Price took a deep breath before replying to the man.

"Yes, Graves?"

"Remember that one time in Las Almas... where I gave you a letter from Rudy?"

That question struck a chord in his brain, widening his eyes as he took glances around the room due to the sudden pressure and nervousness climbing up his back.

"What about that letter?"

"Did you read it, perhaps? I wanted to ask you this for so long after landing in America. I don't know if you got over him yet, so I'm just reminding you about the letter I gave since it was a bit unexpected. And we were also caught up with a lot of things after that, so I highly believe you still didn't read the letter that he wrote for you."

Graves said all in one sitting as Price licks his lips, now wondering where he placed the letter in his office. He knows that he didn't read it himself either, so he wanted to read it instantly.

"I'll get back to you in a minute, Graves."

He disconnected the walkie-talkie as he desperately tried to find the letter he brought back to him while leaving Las Almas. He then remembered that the other three gave their letters to him for safekeeping. With that regained information, Price now tries his best to find the pile of letters hidden in his office.

A few minutes had gone by, and there wasn't any progress, which stressed the captain out more.

"Bloody hell, where are those letters?" He mumbled to himself in anger.

He went over to his shelf once more and by carefully checking each crevice behind the items he kept, he had finally found the patch of letters hidden behind the photo frame of himself and the other three taskforce members – Soap, Ghost and Gaz.

"Goodness gracious. I finally have them..." He caresses the letters between the palm of his hand and goes out of the office to call the other three over for a short meeting.

Price had them three gathered in his office – Soap sitting in front of his desk while Ghost and Gaz stand in the background, waiting for his remarks.

"Okay so... I don't have anything much to say other than—" Price cuts off his message and lays down the other three letters on the desk. The three members gave him a look of shock as they carefully laid their eyes towards the letters. They definitely recognized it straight away just by looking at the wilting color.

"These are...?" Soap sounded so out of breath as he got emotional, running his hand through each letter on the desk.

"...Price, I thought we were over Rudy's death. Why are you bringing it up again with these letters?" Ghost made his way through the conversation, trying to get reassurance on why the letters were shown again.

"Ghost, I am not disrespecting Rudy or your peace of mind. I know that you three have not read these yet, and I would gladly appreciate it if you did." Price had replied to Ghost without stuttering. He was serious.

"That goes for you two as well. Please, take these letters and give time to read them, please. I have yet to read mine as well." He takes hold of his own letter and slides it in front of him as he takes it by both ends, grasping it to show the members.

Without any doubt and disrespect, the three got all their letters and proceeded to leave the room without any more things to say. What can they say? It's Rudy's last words they are meddling with, and it is not to be thrashed or given a chance to not read it.

Price sighed as he laid his back on his chair, carefully putting the letter down. He took a moment to breathe and rub his face with the palm of his hand, proceeding to look at the letter again that lays itself on his desk, waiting to be opened.

The captain gave it a smile,

"Thank you for your service, Rodolfo Parra."

And with that, his eyes gave in sooner than he thought, forming tears.

Redemption [| PHILLIP GRAVES |]Where stories live. Discover now