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The vehicle departed from the base as both of them leave Graves behind to venture into his own part of the mission while they do the more crucial part of saving Price and Alejandro altogether. In an honest thought, Gaz didn't want to leave Graves behind due to how dangerous his plan was, but the both of them had no choice but to just let it wander off and stick to the assignment.

And for some odd occurrence, they could just feel that this mission would be a success for no apparent reason. Their guts screaming at them that it would go so smoothly and without any consequences, but their minds tell them opposite, screaming about how all of them were in the risk of dying, no matter the cost.

Though, they were told by Graves that they should just execute the plan, and just keep on going. Nothing mattered at all. Whether it would be life or death, it would provide a godly approach, achieving an almost-impossible task of rescuing the hostages with stealth.

"Do you think Graves will be alright ou' there?" Gaz asked the man driving the vehicle, clearly putting all his life onto acceleration, not wanting any accidents to happen on the way- leading into a more deprived source of misfortune that'll ruin their chances of winning this secret war.

"I believe so. Either that, or he'll live up to his name." Ghost repeated what he had said to Soap a couple days back, that day where they had defeated Shepherd together as a whole team. Including Rudy.

"Don't say that, Ghost. You know how capable he is."

"Exactly. Wonder why I said either?- I know that man has the ability to convert them."

"See? I trust him as well.",

"If he has the raw ability to redeem himself, then he has absolutely no problem at doing whatever he wants to with the excess shadows."

"There's a mishap on that. And that is, he still has a chance of dying, so don't get your hopes up.",

"After all, we also have a chance of dying.",

"He fails us, or we fail him. In between, we all die."

Gaz gulped at Ghost's approach, the uncomfortable and eerie sense of his tone set off his mood, going back at his previous predicament. The truth was far stretched by Ghost though, because even if it may sound hopeless for them, there is still that sliver of chance that all of them would succeed with the plan, and eventually fulfill the goal of rescuing the captain and the colonel.

"Don't fret, Gaz. Just put your worth into this mission for now, and stop exaggerating. Graves will complete his part. He never disappoints."

The man gave a hum back in reply as he continues to observe the surroundings from outside the moving jeep, seeing how dark the sky was considering the sun still didn't set for some odd reason- on the other hand, the agriculture was a bit dry and empty. He believed that Las Almas was a colorful place, with so many lives being rejoiced and tipped with joy, now stained with the cruel criminality that was going on- it had left some things in ashes.

Redemption [| PHILLIP GRAVES |]Where stories live. Discover now