38 ☠️

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Step for step, little by little. The guy was already standing right in front of us, still not giving away any sort of reaction as we inched closer. So far things seemed to be going quite well, but who knew. My heart was racing, my mind filled with more and more adrenaline with every step that we took. Was this finally going to be our finish line for this zone? Two days was already more we had in our first zone after all. "Can you reach it yet, Chan?" Minho asked from right behind him. "Almost, just a little more," he grunted, reaching back again.

We all clinged onto each others shoulders tightly, trying to trace our steps as accurately as possible. My finger almost dug into Hyunjin's shoulders, so tightly had my grip gotten due to the nerves. Who knew, maybe this was another trap. All sort of doomscenarios were suddenly running through my mind. "Easy, Y/N," Hyunjin muttered in a deep voice. I instantly released my grip from him, my hands hovering just above his shoulders. "Sorry," I muttered back, looking past him to refocus on Chan, still trying his best to reach it. Only a little more....

"I got it!" Chan yelled, Minho pulling him back towards him instantly. As if on cue, the stone table plate slid forward towards us, falling down, revealing a hidden compartiment underneath it. Another stone plate, this time revealing nine empty spaces, all placed in the form of a flower. How ironic, a flower in the middle of the desert. The person behind it finally smirked, looking at us. "Congratulations you fuckers, didn't think you would make it so far," he said with a smug grin. All of this was starting to add to my anxious feeling. Something felt off for sure. This didn't seem like we were getting the way out at all.

Each one of us was waiting silently, all tensed up to see what was to happen. We had no idea what to expect, especially since our hopes of getting out of here seemed to be getting crushed. "Anyways, now that I'm finally allowed to speak," he paused for a second, clearing his throat. I'm surprised the dust didn't seem to get to him. "If you guys had any hopes of getting out of here so soon, sucks to be you." And there it was. The sole sentence that indeed crushed our hopes. "However, I can help you with that..."

I let out a small gasp, trying not to make it obvious. My hands automatically found their way back to Hyunjin's shoulders, being sure not to hold on too tightly this time. I just simply needed the assurance I wouldn't fall over of something bad were to happen. My head was still spinning after all. I didn't want to show it, but I was feeling worse than I thought I would end up. I must have been on low oxygen for too long. Besides, my body was horribly weakened too. Surviving even the least difficult attack now would be a struggle on my own. Thank goodness that wasn't the case now.

"I'm not giving away too much since I'd rather not get sent back to that hellhole of the real world without my fucking money for this gig, but as you can see you're gonna need a little more to get out of here." Was it illegal to choke someone here? You could just see the guy was enjoying it, the desperation in our eyes. "But like I said, I have something to help you with that." He pulled out a scroll, not showing the content of it yet. "It's a map of all the locations you're looking for."

This was too easy. There was no way they would just give us the way out of here. There had to be some sort of a catch. "And what do you want in return?" Chan asked, speaking what was probably on all of our minds. The guy shrugged nonchalantly, only annoying me even more. Everything about this guy just screamed cocky. And if there was anything I hated, it was that. "I'm gonna give you a choice... either you give me all but one of the gifts you received with those dirty little tricks of yours, or..."

His eyes scanned us, falling on me. "The girl stays with me until you guys come back with a solution." No. Fucking. Way. Was he serious? "I won't kill her, but that's all I'm giving you if you choose that. No further guarantees," he added right after. Had I eaten any more the past few days, it'd probably come right back out right now. It wasn't even hard to know what he was thinking, the only question was which direction it would go in. What would a disgusting guy like him be into? Torture? Roleplay? Vanilla surely wasn't one of them though, that was for sure.

I rolled my eyes, not believing I was actually even thinking about it. It was disgusting, but at this point nothing more I hadn't been used to. There was the guarantee I wouldn't be killed, if we could even trust his word, and it would definitely get us a long way. I absolutely hated the idea of it, but if it was for the benefit of the group... my fingers slowly lifted up from Hyunjin's shoulders, the palms of my hands taking a little longer to follow. "Oh no you won't," Hyunjin gritted through his teeth, grabbing both my hands, holding them onto his shoulders tightly.

"Hell with it, we'll find them ourselves."

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