Adulthood 2

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You were out of words when your mother died, 8 years have passed and you were reading all the books in the library, you got a job is to cook, breakfast, lunch, dessert and dinner, you have a good salary to make you old home into a new one you put lovely funiters that makes you cozy, you were heading to the book store that you always went to, you open the door and you saw all the books, no one is in the library because no one is interested to reading books exept for you, you find a book that the tittle is " The School for Good and Evil" you take the book and you went straight to home, you were reading the book and you realized good is always winning, it was night and you closed the book and started to fall asleep into your bed.


You woke up and you take a quick shower and change your outfit you went to your graves mother which is the backyard in your house, you take a little cupcake put a candle in it and you say happy birthday to her

Y/N: "Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear mother...happy birthday to you..."

Then you started to cry and you remember the day that your mother died in your arms.
A few minutes has passed you were trying to calm yourself and you went to a big tree and you say in it you fell asleep.
An hour has passed by, you don't know it was the middle of the night, you were finding your house and you were scared maybe your gonna die to a big beast  or something even more big, you heard a noise and you ignore it your task was to find your house you havd no light and you were a little bit scared as the sounds were going louder and louder you don't have a choice but to run, you hid behind a huge tree, without knowing you saw a big bird infront of you, you screamed and then the bird get your foot, then you started to fly, a few minutes later you saw a beautiful nice wether, the kingdom was like in a princess and prince story, but the other one was   surrounding by grey clouds and the kingdom look horrible, you realize you were going to the evil school, you were shock why did the bird out you in this on, then the bird just drop you out of nowhere and you landed in the water, you though you were going to die but no, you saw others have luggages and you nothing, you have nothing to were or what, you saw a lady who look very beautiful and hot, you remember the book you were reading and it was similar to this one, you were shock at this place its not that ugly it's just look nice,then the  beautiful woman with a cane and come to you

Lady Lesso: " You must be Y/n, you live in a small town."

You were shock you gave so many questions in your head how does she know my name?,how do she know that i live in a small town?, You gave her a little smile on your face and you left, you don't know the places so you ask where is your dorm the guards leads to your dorm,the guard left and you opened the door with some people, Dot,Hester,and Analid, you asked for some clothes cause your clothes are wet cause you fell in the water,

Y/n: "Umm...Hi guys can i borrow your cloths, cause i dont have my suitcase or i didn't have clothes so please"

Hester Agreed, and she let you borrowed her clothes

Hester: " Sure, but you are the one whos gonna clean it" she gave you her clothes

Y/n: "Thank you i really appreciate it" you gave her a small smile and you change your clothes.

When you were done Dot was waiting for you,she get your hand and get out of the dorm.

- A/N : Hi guys so i post every once a day or two, Have a good day/nigh!

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