Next Grand Master

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As I wake up, I didn't feel a warm body beside me, ughh, I miss her very much, I did my routine and went down to breakfast, I got to, Hester, Dot and Analid, were sitting there trying not to laugh it got suspicious for me, eh but anyways as I ate the soup on my table I almost died because of this soup as I looked at the girls, their laughing? Oh, you wanted to play this game huh?, "Sorry- Y/n, it just-HAHAHAHA, it's just so funny" they all clapped at their prank on me, "April Fools Y/n!" Ahh I get it, pfftt, I just glared at them and left, I never EVER going back their it was embarrassing!, Some of the students saw me EVEN the teachers and the two Dean's, and pacifically LADY LESSO she say EVERYTHING, "FUCK!", Tsk tsk tsk, you mess with the wrong person.

As I perfectly glide down AGAIN to eat, Hester gave me an raise eyebrow, "Oh, Hi Y/n, look uhh, we are sorry for what we did, Right girls?" Analid said, and they all both nodded, they think i would forgive them that what they did, Ha!, Never, I didn't look at them, I'm going to my little brother if he's alright, "Hey sis!" He runed towards me as I did to, when I met his hug, it's warm, and i Like it, "Hey, How are you doing?" I asked as we both break the hug, "Well I'm better than Ever, get it? You know I'm a ever and yeah it's hard to explain" i just chuckled as he joked a bit, "Yeah I get that, well how is Ever school?", "Well it was great so many friends to meet, and we explore the Blue Forest it was magical yet, but it was dangerous", He explained, well how about I target Hester?, Yes her, "Hey Will, you see that girl over there with some girls in it?", I pointed my eyes, "Yes, i see them, why?" , " Welll I'm planning on my revenge at them, can you get me some glitters?" He looked at me shocked meanwhile, I was giving a psycho vibes stare, "welp revenge is revenge sure!, How about tonight and we will meet here again?", "Well thats a better idea." I smile and we hugged last time, As we both ended our conversation, I quickly got to Lesso's Office cause I forgot to give her the book that I borrowed for few days ago.

As i knocked, no response, I knocked once again but still no response, when I opened that door, I saw Professor Dovey in her office?, Eh?, "Oh, Y/n we were just about to call you in here but you are just in time, i gave a stare to Lesso which she did stare at me back, with a smile? Wow what a beautiful sight to see this , "Sooo me and Lady Lesso have been decided that you will be the next Headmaster!, You are capable of anything!, And you were the one who ONLY past the test, it's like an exam, everyone in both schools failed their test but you, You were the only one who is 20% grade, and we were shocked to see this news, "We are happy for you Y/n!! <33", I didn't know what to say, but I just cried, "Hey I didn't mean to make you cry", Lady Lesso got of her chair and she gave me an embrace, It's so warm, warmer very very warm, just like I really Loved about it,"I'm not crying, this is just happy tears", I gave them the biggest smile on my self which the two Dean's melted their heart cause of my smile, "You're smile is just so heart melting, my Love", Lesso said Dovey couldn't agree more.

Sorry for everything

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