Trouble Maker

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It was just a normal day for everyone, but me? No.

As I went to my lovely brother, He had a smirk on his face, which I barely knew what that smirk was about, "so you got it?" I asked with a big grin on my face, he only nodded, and he gave me slowly and quickly, I thanked him and I sent my goodbyes to him, I quickly ran into my dorm, I closed the door and locked it, I was very exhausted at this point, so I have no time to waste, so let's get us started!,

I gently put glitter in the shower, I put glitter on Dot's chocolate bar and I quickly ran into the Hester's Bedroom and I removed her blanket and put all the glitter into her bed, I just can't wait to see to their reaction.

I was heading through the halls as fast as I could, I didn't realize that I had hit somebody, "Oh, sorry about that, I didn't mean too ..." I didn't finish my own sentence because, I hit Lady Lesso, My own hot girlfriend, "What's the rush, Darling?" Should I lie or should I tell the truth?, You know what I'm going to do it, "Oh uhh I'm late for lunch", I didn't expect she would fall to my lie, I felt bad, she just nodded, I wanted so tell the truth, "Wait!, Darling I hate to admit it but, I'm lying to you, I'm not late at lunch, I'm just-" I didn't finish my sentence AGAIN, and a seconds later I heard someone screaming at my name,
"*Shouts your full name, what did you do to my bed?!" Hester said and her look was about to kill someone and that someone is definitely me, Hester was raging mad, she was fast walking towards me, I clearly ran away as soon as possible, as I was running I saw Analid full of glitter all over her clothes, she targeted me definitely she used her magic to stop me, I was about to defend myself, I bumped into someone again, As I was to see who it is, I saw Dot, her lips were light pink, with a little bit of glitters, She gave me a killer look, I quickly ran off across her, I was panicking outside but the inside I wanted to laugh so hard, I went to the Grand Hall seeing my brother and my other little brother, hanging out with each other I was happy for them, but I need to focus on what I'm doing right now, so I ran to them, "Hello my little brothers, help me please" I don't say the word 'Please' that much I just say it when me and Lesso are alone together, "Why sister?, Is their any trouble?", William asked, "Well I'm the one who caused the trouble but please help me, please help me my deer little brothers" So they tried to stop Hester First but her dragon was in the way and my brother Tedros couldn't stop it of course, And my brother Williams was about to stop Dot but he met a big plash of chocolate all over his face, I tried not to laugh so hard, but I did, and I continued to run, I went out to the school, and I admire the river the grass I admire everything, but I saw the three girls was chasing me, I lay down to the soft grass and Laughed tiredly, and the three girls copied me as well, we all laughed like a maniac, a few moment or minutes had passed by I saw my Girlfriend, Annoyed and angry, The wolves quickly sent us to the doom room, we weren't locked in the crepy chair like it used to be, "Have you both lost your minds?!?, You Y/n!, You all started this don't you?", I gave a few stares to my friends, "Me, Dot and Analid were the ones who started it, and I think Y/n just wanted to get revenge for us that we did you her", Hester finally said that truth, "What did you all three did to Y/n?", There was a short or long silence between us, "In lunch the three of us decided to put potion on Y/n's soup", Dot said while biting her Chocolate bar and with a little but of pink glitter on, "What's the potion that you gave to Y/n then?", Lady Lesso said with a one raise eyebrow on her face, "We put some of, 'Flask of Venom', just a little bit and 'Flask of poison'", Analid says looking through the ground, "You put on Y/n's soup 'Flask of Poison?!? How could you three!?! She will- " she didn't finish her sentence while I was falling on the ground, and then I saw black.

I WILL POST ONLY ONE CHAPTER OF 'The Headmaster' Tomorrow! I don't know what time or maybe now!, You know what I'm not going to waste any time, I will post it now! Literally now! Thank you for everything love you guys! <33

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