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Y/n's POV

I woke up, my head was spinning like crazy, I saw a person and I didn't notice the person who is literally staring at me concerned face on, "Are you ok?" And I believe it's a girl, her voice is very deep, "I don't think so-" i didn't finish my sentence because someone burst into the door, "Y/n! Y/n! Someone got a letter for you!" A boy rushed in the door and stood there saying my name, the woman give a death glare the boy, the boy gave it to me, and I thanked him, "Thank you." I gave him a small smile on my face, then he runs to the door and then close the door quickly and quietly, i sat up and then starting to unrap the envelop, i read the a little note that is from my Father, Hello Y/n, this is a note from your Father, actually this is his friend, i know you hated him but i will give this letter to you." You then opened the the letter, "Hi Y/n like I said earlier that this is your Fathers Friend, i don't know how to say this but  your father died of a sickness like your mother, I know this sounds really hurtful to you, he was trying to ask you personal but he didn't found you in time, I'm terribly sorry Y/n and he promise me to deliver all the letters, every year, every birthday and everyday, and again I'm very very sorry."

- Miguel

Tears in my eyes, the woman walked up to me and read the whole letter, she felt sad and wiped my tears away, when i see my clear eyes  i saw Lady Lesso, i didn't even think about when i suddenly hug her, she just froze there and then I break the hug and then stand up, "No don't you dare stand up, you need some plenty of rests" she let me sit down to her bed, "I need water...please" she then get a glass of water then I drank it all and i want a nother one "Another one please" she then refill the glass and i drank it all up, My stomach growled loud, i look away in embarrassed, then she get some warm soup she then fed me over and over again, when i finished eating she gives me medicine, "Drink this it will make your head stable." I then drank the medicine, I look at disgust face which makes Lady Lesso chuckle quietly, I then feel sleepy, I then lay down and fell asleep.

A/n: Hi guys! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Always be Happy and Healthy!

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