Plot Twist

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I woke up early that anyone, i look through my window and saw Tedros is awake too, 'Come Down, Y/n i have something to talk to you'  He said in my mind, I then take a quick shower, brush my hair, put some light make up, and put my dress, i went straight to down stairs and saw Tedros,He then quickly took my hand, and we went to the School for Good, we went something unexpected, we were going to the dungeon, i thought there is no such dungeon in the school for Good, "Sit" Tedros said, i sit properly, "so what is this about?" I questioned him, "I'm very very so sorry Y/n, but i have something to show you." He then take his sword and was about to shop my head, i was shock, 'Wait, why his eyes are glowing dark red?' i thought myself, i then remembered, what lady Lesso said in our class, Rafal, that is the name, i then stood up, "RAFAL IF YOU DARE TO TOUCH MY LITTLE BROTHER, I WILL KILL YOU IN YOUR NORMAL BODY!" i yelled at him, "Ugh, how clever are you Y/n, ok fine i will let your little brother, but! I will make you a decision" "What Decision?" I asked, "Your Brother or Me?" What kind of question is that?, "Ofcourse My little Brother, Why?" My head is so confused that i wanted to kill Rafal, "Ha! I knew you will pick your brother! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed so hard, that he needs some water, "So I'm done with your Decision, let go of my little brother" he laughed again,"Oh Y/n, you don't understand, he would be your DATE!" 'WHAT THE FUCK!, THAT IS MY LITTLE BROTHER!' I thought myself, before i can answer, i saw Tedros's body went to the ground, i quickly stand up and carry him like a kid, i went through the halls, and saw Lady Lesso, 'What is she doing here?' my head is full of questions, i then look away for not noticing me, i gently put Tedros body in hin outside door, i the panicked when i heard some heals coming this way, i quickly go to the window and climb on it,and quickly close it for not noticing,i jump but i think i broke my arm, but the good thing I'm still alive, i went to the bridge and went to the School for Evil, i went back to my dorm, and they are still asleep, i went to the bathroom and look at my arm, i took my belt, and slowly i bent it to the right place while the belt to my mouth i almost started crying, i take my unused clothes and i take the scissors rip it off.

" He then take his sword and was about to shop my head, i was shock, 'Wait, why his eyes are glowing dark red?' i thought myself, i then remembered, what lady Lesso said in our class, Rafal, that is the name, i then stood up, "RAFAL IF YOU DARE TO...

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I then make the two of them because it wouldn't be suspicious, i took my clothes and pick one.

I then make the two of them because it wouldn't be suspicious, i took my clothes and pick one

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(Pick one)I then went to breakfast

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I then went to breakfast.

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